Chapter 6 - Meeting Michael.

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Elizabeth I woke to a way too chirpy girl opening my curtains in my room, and the smell of freshly brewed coffee. “Morning miss, I brought you coffee and biscuits and breakfast will be served in half an hour.” She grins. “Thank you.” I rubbed my eyes to focus better, so I could see her clearly, but before I could even wake up properly to ask her name, she was gone. I was not really a breakfast person, but I guess I would have to do the joining the team thing. I looked at the cup of coffee and finally convinced myself to get out of bed when I heard a knock on my door. “If you are Jane, please come in. If you are my mom… go away, I’m not awake yet.” Both of them walked into my room, each with a cup of coffee in their hands. Excitedly talking about the dinner, who they met, and what mom thought Jane should wear for the lunch picnic. I walked over to the little table where the coffee had been set up and poured myself a cup. “You both do realize that breakfast is served in half an hour, and it takes you at least an hour and a half to get ready mom.” I raised a brow. She suddenly looked up at me, and they both stopped talking. “Aren’t you ready yet? Jane and I have been ready for the past fifteen minutes!” Oh, bullocks! They probably woke you according to how fast you could get ready! How the hell would they even know things like that?! I was sure that’s called stalking!! “I was just about to get dressed when the two of you waltzed in here,” I sighed. “Oh, hell, I should have been here already! Let me get your things ready for you.” Jane started fussing about when mom and I both stopped her. “Jane… stop.” I frowned. “You are a guest honey. You aren’t here as Elizabeth’s staff. She has someone to help her. She probably didn’t hear the poor girl the first time when she woke her.” My mother patted her hand. Jane looked absolutely petrified at the thought of not helping me when I saw a sundress set out behind her on the settee. “Ah, there, see. She did put it out. I’m just still trying to wake up.” I grabbed the dress and made my way to the bathroom to get ready in record time before my mother burst a vein in her delicate temple. JULIUS JOINED US on the stairs with the boys a little while later. “Wow Lizzy, honey you look stunning! Jane… Where have you been hiding that beautiful face of yours all this time? I see I’m going to have my hands full in trying to protect my girls.” He winked at both of us. “What about us?” Randolph waved his hand from himself to Theodore and back. “What? Can’t you two take care of yourselves yet? I will have to speak to your uncle Anthony about that immediately!” Mother looked amused. “No, no, no mom, that isn’t necessary. Randolph was simply joking…” Theodore gave mom a big pearly white smile, and we all laughed at them as we walked into the dining room. My breath caught in the back of my throat when a pair of bright golden amber eyes locked with mine and my heart skipped two beats. Suddenly, I was frozen in place, even with Jane slightly pulling at my hand. Julius turned to see what was happening and pulled on mom’s hand in the process. I watched as a black-haired, tall, dark and handsome panther walked over, stalking me as if I was his prey and I couldn’t move out of his way. “Mate.” I whispered, and when he stood right up close to me, his arms tightly folded around my waist. I could feel his breath on my lips. “Mate.” He growled, making the room go quiet instantly. His voice determined and demanding respect, he took my breath away in an instant. It felt like the world had come to a standstill, but soon everyone carried on as normal and only my family stood a bit dumbstruck around me. He softly let go of me slightly as an older version of him stepped closer to introduce himself. “Good morning, everyone. I’m Andreas Aetos and this is my son Michael, who clearly has found his mate in your daughter.” Andrea held out his hand to Julius to greet him but had a slight frown on his face when he felt the cold hand. “Good morning, Andreas. I’m Julius, Elizabeth’s stepfather, and this is Esmeralda, her mother, Theodore, and Randolph, her brothers. They are triplets.” Julius cleared things up and Andreas looked relieved, nearly making me laugh out loud. “From what we can see, our daughter agrees with your son.” Mom giggled slightly, and a bell rang to announce that breakfast was ready. Our parents moved to the chaperon table and sat together, but my eyes were locked on the amber eyes that had captured my heart and soul in one look. He pulled the chair out for me, and we sat down at the table with Jane to my left and the boys across from us. Michael I smelled dark chocolate and rum and looked up to see the most captivating green eyes I had ever seen. She was dressed in a summer dress. Her short black hair gave her an air of mystique about her and her long slim legs belonged in pants so nobody but me could see them! I quickly walked up to her, so I could claim her as my mate before anyone else touched her. “Mate.” She whispered as I reached her and I almost stopped breathing. “Mate.” My voice was loud enough for everyone to hear. Holding her tightly in my arms, not wanting to ever let go. My father walked up and did the required introductions, but all I could think about was marking this beautiful creature, so she would stay by my side forever. Her father introduced her as Elizabeth and the two wolves were her brothers, luckily, or I would have had to deal with them being too close to her. Her scent was intoxicating! She smelled of wolf, but not. How was that possible? I kept my hand on her back and lead her to the table closest to our parents, where I held out the chair for her and we sat down. “Hi, I’m Michael.” She got a soft pink glow in her cheeks. “Hi, I’m Elizabeth.” Her voice was so soft. Breakfast was brought around, but for once, my appetite wasn’t there. All I wanted to do was sit and talk and hold her and, well… but I didn’t want to scare her. She looked so delicate. “What are you thinking?” She smiled before taking a bite of her food. At least I knew she wasn’t one of those girls who pretended not to eat in front of you and then ate like a pig when you were gone. She surely must have a bit of wolf blood in her. “How much I want to get out of here and just spend time with you.” Oh, cr@p! Did I just admit that out loud?! I felt the redness creep over my cheeks. “That sounds like the best idea I’ve heard all morning, but I do believe it would be rude according to etiquette.” She smiled, making my insides twist in all directions. “Oh, and how do you know what royal etiquette requires?” Elizabeth He is going to find out sooner or later, but I don’t know if Julius wants anyone to know about his lineage or if he even wants to claim it. “History is one of my subjects at university. I also keep the library at my family home, where I deal with many of the older books on how the Royals lived and what etiquette is required.” I almost slipped up there! He would probably run if he knew I was a princess! “I wouldn’t have taken you for a bookworm.” He hardly knew me, and he already insulted me!! “I do apologize, I didn’t mean it as an insult. I see you took it the wrong way. I just meant that you are more of an intellectual than say a sportsperson.” He tried to recover, but I was frowning. Deeply! “Oh, I can beat your ass at any kind of sport. You just name the sport and the time.” Cr@p Lizzy!! Mom told you never to beat a man at sports! He smiled with a glint in his eye. “I’ll take that bet. But first I need to know something very personal. Will you answer a personal question?” He looked worried. “As long as it isn’t what color panties I’m wearing, sure.” Dangit! He was making me nervous! Thankfully, he burst out laughing and nearly spit his entire mouth full of eggs all over Randolph, making for a very funny picture that had quite a few of us laughing, but his father looked at him as if he had just embarrassed him into his grave. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean that. My mouth thinks faster than my head sometimes. Please forgive me.” I put my hands down in my lap, looking down and trying my utmost best to look very apologetic. When he stopped coughing and had cleaned his face, he put his hand over mine and lifted my chin with his other. “I don’t believe one word of what you just said, you aren’t sorry, and neither am I, it was hilarious. Now for my question, which has nothing to do with the color of your panties… yet. What are you? You smell like a wolf, but you aren’t?” Hmmm, handsome and clever. He had a smile growing on his face and returned to his breakfast. Luckily, I was done, or my food would probably have been flying out of my mouth at some point. Poor Jane didn’t know where to hide. Randolph stormed off to clean himself and Theodore was thoroughly enjoying listening in on our conversation, but then again, we always understood each other. “I’m a witch. My biological father was a wolf and my mother is a go… witch. My brothers were born wolves, and I am a witch, but because we are triplets, it sometimes confuses some senses.” I explained. “That makes sense. But what will happen should you have pups? Do you know or have you tried to find out?” WHAT?! My eyes grew wide at his question. “I never really thought about things like that. I guess it would probably all depend on my mate, what species he is.” I felt so damn out of my element! He looked a bit concerned but didn’t say much about it. Breakfast was finished, and we all adjourned to the gardens for the first activity of the day. A couple of people had already found their mates, and things were becoming interesting. The moment we stood up, Michael snaked his arm around my waist and there was where it stood. Once outside, we gathered in front of a small stage where King Magnus announced the activities of the day. There were sports in the morning, lunch was a picnic in the gardens, then everyone dispersed. There would be afternoon tea, and finally, a formal dinner. The first event was going to take place in an hour, and we would need to change into sportswear. I walked to my room, with Michael’s arm still wrapped around my waist. “Don’t you need to change?” I frowned. “Yes, but I’m not letting you out of my sight.” He smiled. “I will be with her until you return. She will be safe.” My mother smiled. He looked at my mom, then at me. He kissed me on my forehead before disappearing down the passage, softly growling in the back of his throat. I couldn’t help but giggle when mom and Jane pushed me into my room to change. “What, WHAT?” I frowned once inside. I ran to my cupboard and grabbed my yoga pants and top with my trainers. “If he is anything like the wolves I know, honey, he is not going to like you walking around like that!” Mom looked horrified, making me laugh out loud. “Well, he is just going to have to. This is all I have.” I shrugged. Jane started scratching around my drawer and pulled out my uni t-shirt which was way too big for me and hung over one shoulder. “There, this should do nicely.” She took a step back and smiled. “That is too big for me!” I exclaimed, not sure why I even packed it. “Why did you pack it then?” Mom raises a brow and I sigh. “So that I could ward off evil!” We all burst out laughing when there was a knock on my door. “Who is it?” I could feel his presence through the door already. “As if you need to ask. Get your but out here!” Michael growled. Mom and Jane burst out laughing when I did a quick skip to the door and opened it. “Hi.” I grinned at him and noted that even under his t-shirt you could see his perfectly toned build. “Wow.” He grinned.
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