Chapter 18 - Secrets and the horrible truth.

2397 Words

Elizabeth I opened my eyes and tried to focus on it. It felt like I was living through Groundhog Day. My head pounded as I tried to focus and realized I was not in the hotel room, so it couldn’t be that. Rubbing my eyes, I refocused and realized I was in my new apartment. I yawned and stretched and then heard them. The terrible twins! Where did they sleep? Why were they still there? I looked up and noticed the new alarm clock next to my bed. Cr@p!! It was seven! The court started at nine! Jumping out of bed, I flopped right back down feeling the pounding in my head worsen. “Ah, you’re up darling! Come have some breakfast.” Mom appeared in my doorway. Did they have to be so cheerful? How were they so cheerful after last night? I got up and walked to the kitchen. My shoulders hung. My eyes

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