Chapter 13 - "Say yes."

2288 Words

Magnus The Black Rose in our territory? How was that possible? “It doesn’t look like she killed him.” Pearl sighed. “There is no scent of any kind to follow, and the witches can’t find any trace of magic.” It was all so confusing! I paced back and forth to figure it out. “As if we didn’t have enough enemies in this world.” Esmeralda’s sudden appearance behind us frightened Pearl. King Julius and Lucille appear from around the corner. “This does not bode well for Elizabeth’s union.” Julius looked at Esmeralda. Something seemed to be wrong, but her expression didn’t give away much. “Has Michael been informed?” Lucille looked worried. “Yes, your highness.” A servant nodded. Just then, we heard a growl coming closer and we stood aside. He had smelled the scent of death and from experie

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