Chapter 4 - Together, remember?

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Elizabeth With my last exam done, I walked out of the hall taking a deep breath. It felt like I hadn’t breathed in forever. So many witnesses had come forward in the case against Damian after they found out that he had been caught, and this time there was physical proof. My testimony wouldn’t even be needed. Okay, so I didn’t exactly do it the legal way, but the bad guy was going to jail in the end, and that was all that mattered. The prosecutor had my details if they still needed me to link up the last of the dots to make sure he went to jail. I opened my room door still deep in thought, and when I looked up to find my mother calmly sitting on my bed. “Mom?!” I gasped. “Darling! I was just wondering how much longer you were going to be.” She stood up, and grabbed me in one of her bear hugs, squishing the life out of me! “C…a…n’t breath!” I choked the words out, and she let go slightly. She still held me by my arms as if she was scared that I might disappear if she let go of me entirely. “I’m sorry, I am just so happy to see you! How was your last exam? Oh, and we can talk and pack at the same time.” She let go of me only to roll out a huge neon pink suitcase from my closet. That was so not going to say “Geek”! “Thank you, mom, but I can do my own packing and I have my own bags to pack into.” I pulled out the old leather bag from the top of my cupboard. “Darling, stop being such an independent pain in the you know what, and let me spoil you for a change! Now come dump your things or don’t, we have a flight in two hours, and we can’t miss it.” There was no getting out of this one, and that was the reason why she was there. She wanted to make sure I got onto that plane. WE WALK INTO THE AIRPORT and straight to our terminal. “Mom, why did you plan the timing so tight? What if my exam ran late, and we missed the flight?” I sighed. “I needed to make sure you didn’t have any possible ways of getting out of this or having the time to think of a way of getting out of it, and your exam…” She sighed. “I sort of made sure it didn’t start late.” She shrugged. “What did you do?!” I rolled my eyes. “Nothing! What does it matter now? It all worked out, didn’t it? Now come, we have to board!” She grinned. I heard the call for a flight to Paris and looked at her as if she had lost her mind completely! “Why are we flying to Paris?” I frowned. “Because you sure as hell aren’t going to that mating week in the clothes you have in that suitcase.” Her expression on her face was actually hilarious. I had forgotten how I used to dress compared to now. It must have been such a culture shock for her to go through my closet and find only sweats, t-shirts, and hoodies. IN THE END, I needed a second suitcase with everything mom bought to make up for what was no longer in my closet. Continuously telling me over the last couple of days that she couldn’t believe her daughter had given up on fashion and turned to comfort clothing. The more I tried to explain the stress of being a student, the less she wanted to hear about it. If she had just stayed at home and waited for me, things would have been so much easier, but that was my mom for you. We arrived at the castle and all I wanted to do was go to my room, lay down, and pretend that none of this was happening, but I was not that lucky. The sun set as we walked into the castle, and the entire coven led by Julius was waiting to greet me. They had planned a welcome home party for me after I had been away for so long, and I couldn’t disappoint them by saying I didn’t want to be there. Putting on my brave face, aunt Meg taught me in training, I smiled politely and ducked into a bathroom to freshen up. Washing my face with some cold water, I already felt better. I put in some eye drops to stop my eyes from feeling so tired and scratchy. I re-applied my very basic make-up, and took a look at a refreshed me. Giving myself a nod of approval before I left the bathroom. The night was beautifully planned underneath the stars with a string quartet playing off to one side. A wooden dance floor, and tables and chairs were put out. Fairy lights had been put up everywhere to give the lighting a soft glow and as I stepped out onto the terrace, Julius was the first to hold out his hand and ask me for a dance. MY CURTAINS WERE PULLED open with force and I heard a familiar voice saying good morning. Fighting to open my eyes in the bright light, I finally focussed on finding the young lady who had always taken care of me before. “Hi Jane, still torturing me I see.” I laughed. “Morning miss, no, just following orders. I will bring you your breakfast in just a minute.” She smiled at me with her soft smile. She was a beautiful girl, and I could never understand what she was doing there. Why she wasn’t out in the world living her life with friends and finding a man who would love her and start a family? I got up. Knowing my mom… “Morning Darling. Isn’t it a beautiful day? Why aren’t you dressed yet? We have so much to do to get ready. Get up, girl!” She would be there any minute, and I was right. “Mom.” I rubbed my tired eyes. “I just woke up. Jane is on her way with my breakfast. Can I at least get some coffee in my system before you start our day?” “Elizabeth, do you have any idea how important this event is? Every single supernatural creature from all over the world will be at this week’s events. It will be the biggest event of its kind. You need to be prepared and look your best when you meet your mate.” She frowned. “Mom, I love you very much and appreciate that you want this for me, but I don’t want one. I’m happy with my life as it is.” I sighed. She rolled her eyes at me, giving a big sigh. “Fine, meet me downstairs in the sitting room when you are ready. Just don’t take all morning. Your aunt Meg has graciously agreed to help me with your stubbornness and will be arriving soon.” Not giving me a chance to reply, she floated out the door, and Jane walked in with my breakfast. I noticed there was tea. No coffee. How was I supposed to wake up without coffee?? “You don’t drink coffee, miss.” Jane frowned when I just glared at the tea. “I do now.” I sighed. “Please?” I begged her and she nodded. APPEARING WITH THE CUP of coffee while I was halfway through breakfast. It looked as if she had something to ask me. When I finally drew it out of her, it seemed her interest in the world outside had sparked, and she had so many questions. I could hardly keep up answering them all. We picked my outfit for the day, and because she only tended to what I needed when I was at the castle, we had the time to continue our discussion while I got dressed. I told her about the university and the different subjects I took and how much I was learning about the world. It’s history, and people. She asked about everything, from the fashion people were wearing to what a cell phone was and how it worked. Talking all the way until we reached the sitting room. I got a brilliant idea and dragged her into the sitting room with me. “Mom! I just had the bestest best idea ever!” Using my old Lizzy voice, they all knew so well while I clung to a stunned Jane. “Oh, this I have to hear!” Megan looked excited. “Hi auntie Meg.” I ran up to her and gave her a huge hug. Whispering in her ear that I was so grateful that she was helping my mother plan my future hell. She burst out laughing and mom looked at us suspiciously. “You better tell us about your brilliant idea, before we burst of curiosity.” She saved the day, and I started to explain that I would like Jane to join me during the mating week. The invitation wasn’t sent out to specific people. It was sent to all single people in that specific area, and Jane was single. Mom, being mom, was ecstatic at the idea. She had a second doll to play dress-up with. Poor Jane looked like a deer caught in the headlights, but it was the perfect solution. I wouldn’t have to go through this hell alone and, well, I was leaving the castle one way or another. What was she going to do after I left? The room was silent for a moment or two while she thought about it. All of us were watching her, waiting in anticipation. “Thank you, Elizabeth, but I simply can’t.” She looked disappointed and mom moved in like a hawk smelling prey. Giving me the chance to stand aside and have a quick private chat with aunt Meg. I explained what happened to Damian, and she didn’t look too happy. “You do realize that this is how he usually gets away?” She frowned. “Not this time. I made sure of it.” I crossed my arms in defence. “Okay, if you feel you did the right thing. I told you that it is your decision and I truly hope it works. He is not one you want to mess with. If it doesn’t work you will have to…” She couldn’t finish her sentence. “If what doesn’t work?” Mom walked closer with a blushing Jane under her arm. “Just a twist kick we are working on. Now tell us, is Jane going to join us or not?” Megan smiled, a pro at changing the subject without raising suspicion. Mom excitedly gave us a great big grin explaining that Jane had agreed and that today’s plans had changed. We needed to take Jane shopping immediately. I rolled my eyes but was thankful that she agreed. Not that I thought mom gave her much of a choice. Departure day We were all standing around the lounge at the airport, catching up with friends we hadn’t seen in a long time, or just chatting about the week ahead. An entire week of festivities was planned to meet your possible mate, from breakfasts in sun rooms, to lunch picnics, and then there was the big mating ball, of course. The entire week was looming in front of me like Mount Everest. This was never part of my life plan. As if reading my mind, she appeared right behind my left ear. “Stop stressing so much. You might not even meet him there.” Aunt Megan smiled. “Do you think so? I really hope so. I’m not ready to give up what I have. I worked hard to get here.” I sighed. “Just indulge your mother. It doesn’t mean if you find a mate your life has to end.” She patted me softly on my back as we walked down the tight passage between the plane seats. The King and Queens had arranged for everyone to fly as one group and with the groups being so huge, normal commercial airplanes had to be booked. I took a seat next to Jane. All our chaperons were seated in first-class while the rest of us were in the back. Used to not giving away much about myself, I didn’t pack a carry-on. As I’ve grown used to doing, I took my time surveying my surroundings and the others on the plane. The air was electric with excitement, and from the looks of it, I could swear I saw one or two who had already found their mates on the plane!! What the hell??!!! Why was it so important to find a mate so early in your life? I just felt apprehension. An intercom came on and everyone was told to take their seats. The pilot went on to do his bit about where we were going, how long the flight should take, blah blah… A nervous Jane grabbed hold of my hand suddenly, and I looked at her, softly smiling. “Together, remember?” I whispered. She took a deep breath, and we looked out the window as the plane took off.
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