Chapter 24 - The new light.

2393 Words

Elizabeth “Like I said, I created you.” The Creator shrugged. “I… I don’t…” I frowned. “When your father died and shared his power it flowed through all of you, but it had to be stored somewhere. But when your mother transformed so suddenly after his death, his power of light also moved.” Ravli explained. “A new Light was born. Just as there is a Judge, there has to be light to show my creations the way first.” The Creator smiled. “But isn’t that what my grandmother does?” I frowned. “Well, she is supposed to… not tell them, at least, just show them.” Ravli rolled his eyes. “Oh, just ignore him. I make the rules, and he can’t handle them when I let your grandmother break them every once in a while, for a special reason.” The Creator rolled his eyes. “I still don’t understand.” I

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