Chapter 8 - Randolph and Jane.

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Elizabeth ELIZABETH!! What the hell was wrong with you??!! I knew I had the training to be a temptress when the situation called for it, but this was not one of those situations! Why was I acting like this around someone who was in fact a perfect stranger? Even if he was my destined mate?! I tried to move off his lap, but he had his arm tightly wrapped around my waist. “And where do you think you are going?” Michael smiled. “I would like to sit in a more discreet position if you don’t mind.” I raised a brow. “I do mind. Sit still.” He grinned. “But everyone is looking.” I sang through gritted teeth, looking around at the other couples. “No, they are not.” Michael bit down on a strawberry. “But they will if you keep moving around like that.” He grinned at me and I immediately stopped moving. He held the strawberry in front of my mouth and I took a bite of the sweet red fruit. He started asking me about what I was studying and why I chose my field of study and I found it really comfortable to talk to him. Then he wanted to know about my fascination with sports and why I had this need to always win. “You met my family, right? I’m the only girl of us three… I had to prove I was stronger, faster, and better than my brothers at everything, or I would never have heard the end of it. They already think me weak because I’m a girl.” I sighed and he raised one eyebrow. “Then there is the fact that I’m not a wolf-like them that made things even worse. Like you have to be a wolf to be strong and fast… I think I proved my point yet again today.” I grabbed a grape and popped it into my mouth. If he insisted that I eat, then I was going to. My action made him burst out laughing. “You do realize that you don’t have to compete with me. I will protect you no matter what.” He looked serious for a moment. I hadn’t agreed yet, and he was already laying claim to me. Feeling his hand relax, I jumped up off his lap and quickly made my way back to the castle. This was not going to work! I didn’t know why I let my mother talk me into this! Within a couple of seconds, he caught up with me, grabbing me by my arm. He pulled me right up to his warm chest. The action pushed the breath out of my chest and his lips came down on mine in one swift motion. His chest was rock solid and my hands landed on his shoulders. My knees went weak the moment his lips touched mine. His arms pulled me in tighter when his tongue asked permission to enter. I hesitated for a second, but I couldn’t… I wanted to push myself away from him, my brain fought against what my heart was feeling. I made a vow! Then he slid his left hand over my cheek. Softly letting go ever so slightly of my waist, he held my head with his huge hand and all resistance faded. I gave him full access, and explored his mouth with a hunger I never dreamed existed. Sliding my arms around his shoulders. We were no longer in sight of the others, and he pushed me up against the wall of the castle. Breaking our kiss and exploring my throat, right past my earlobe. Nibbling on the soft skin just below. He gave me goosebumps, making a moan escape from deep within me. “Say yes.” He whispered, and I almost did as he asked. “Elizabeth. Elizabeth!” Jane’s voice interrupted, and he groaned and let go of me reluctantly. He was still holding my hand. My face was flustered. “Jane?” We came walking around the corner and just as both of us came into view, there was Randolph! He was holding Jane’s hand! Her cheeks were bright red instantly! “Now Elizabeth, don’t you say a word!” Randolph looked flushed. Michael lifted his eyebrow, looking at me, and I burst out laughing, waving my finger from one to the other. “You! And you! And how long has this been…” I was stumped! “Not long.” Randolph was completely out of his element! “Remember when I was there for Beltane last month?” He started, and I screamed, jumping up and down, making Michael let go of my hand in an instant. “Jane! Why didn’t you tell me!!!” We ended up in a typical girl hug, walking off and catching up. Michael “Hi. I’m Randolph. I’m one of Elizabeth’s brothers. The calm one.” He introduced himself, but I didn’t remind him that we had already met. “Michael… What just happened?” I laughed. “I think they went mad if you ask me, but my sister just found out that her best friend Jane, who has also been her handmaiden since they were little, is my mate. It’s a long story, but Elizabeth dragged Jane here, hoping to help her friend find love…” He rolled his eyes and I couldn’t help but smile. So, she was a hopeless romantic, which was going to make things so much easier. “Ah, maybe you and me meeting is destined then. Elizabeth seems to… how do I put this delicately?” I frowned. “Yeah, she is giving you a hard time, isn’t she? She never follows the rules! I told my parents to send her to boarding school to teach her how to be a lady, but they wouldn’t listen.” Randolph shrugged. We were standing at the edge of the lawn, watching the girls talk to Elizabeth’s mother and, from the looks of it, it was an exciting conversation. Esmeralda The two girls come running up to me, laughing and giggling like two schoolgirls in love. It was such a beautiful sight I couldn’t help but laugh with them when they reached me. “Mom! Did you hear the news?” Elizabeth beamed. “Oh, I’ve known since they met. We just didn’t want to spoil their surprise. We wanted to wait until they were ready to tell everyone.” I smiled warmly. “You are kidding me right now!” Elizabeth looked at Jane, then at me. I looked past them and saw Michael talking to Randolph. Julius left early that morning when he was notified that something wasn’t making sense about Michael and his father. My brow furrowed as I felt a hand on my arm. “Is everything all right?” Jane looked worried. “Oh, yes, yes, of course, darling. I was just lost in thought there for a moment.” I smiled. “Why don’t you girls join your mates, they seem to be lonesome over there.” I didn’t want to spoil things for Lizzy if Julius found that the rumours were nothing but just rumours. I smiled at the girls and watched them walk back to the boys. Well, I guess they were men and women now. Their days of being children were long gone. “They make a beautiful couple. We will have handsome grandchildren.” Andrea’s voice gave me a chill down my spine, which was not a good indication. “If they agree to be mated. Please excuse me, I have to arrange the dresses for tonight’s dinner.” I politely smiled at him and walked away. There was no final agreement between us and Andreas. He wanted an official agreement as per his pack tradition, but we explained that there was one snag. Michael would have to pass the life ceremony in the homelands, or he would not be able to mark Lizzy. I was careful in not giving him the full details of what the life ceremony entailed. Feeling that something was off. Then Julius sent word to his office to check on Andreas’s business and personal acquaintances and any other things that might put Elizabeth in any kind of danger. The information that we received didn’t sound good, but it was rumoured. Julius decided that he would find out for himself if it was in fact true. Until then, I would keep a calm, friendly distance. “Your Grace, we haven’t had a chance to talk yet.” Queen Pearl joined me on my way. “Your highness. No, we have not.” I smiled when she hooked her arm in mine, and we started walking to a small terrace overlooking the gardens. “I do hope you and your subjects and children are enjoying your stay?” She made sure to use all the correct formal references. “Yes, thank you. Everything is so beautiful here, and you have really gone above and beyond to make everyone feel comfortable.” I smiled. “Yes, my darling husband wanted everything to be perfect after things were so difficult for us.” We sat down at a small table that had been prepared with sweet and salty treats and tea. “I gather that you didn’t bring me here to talk about the weather or the children.” I raised a brow. “I see that you are as quick as they say. No, I did not. It is not every day that a mere mortal like myself has the chance to talk to a goddess.” She blushed slightly. “Ah…” I sat back and she poured us some tea… They missed a spot… I didn’t drink tea. Their spies weren’t that clever after all. “I do hope you don’t think me too forward, but I need your advice. You see, I have been blessed with a mortal life now, and with twins, I never thought I would have… magical twins and not in the sense of them being angels.” She explained and I burst out laughing. “Oh, so we are talking about children, just not mine. Darling, how I remember those days? What can I help you with?” I smiled, and she blushed bright red but started asking me all sorts of questions about how to handle it when they started doing magic at their young age. How to stop them from doing it and going to sleep? We had an animated conversation, and it was relaxing to have a mother who I could help. When I had the triplets, I was mostly on my own. Star wasn’t there to share these things with, and poor Luc was a train wreck most days. Elizabeth The news about Jane and Randolph had my mind in another space and when we walked up to the men, Michael slid his arm around my waist with ease. I didn’t move away or find a reason to. It felt natural to be standing there next to him, with my arm around his back, my hand was resting on his chest and I almost rested my head on his chest. Leaning in listening to Jane and Randolph talking about how they met and fell madly in love. Their story was so romantic I just wanted to cuddle them to death! “That sounds so romantic, doesn’t it, Elizabeth?” Michael smiled at me, and I suddenly realize how ridiculous I must have looked! Melting like a puddle of whatever next to this man and sticking to his side! I quickly straightened up, ready to move away, but once again, his grip wouldn’t let go of me. I looked at him, lifting my eyebrow. “Jane, I think we have taken up enough of their time. We should get back to our picnic.” My brother nodded at Michael, who simply smiled and nodded back as if they shared a silent secret language. “But I still wanted to tell…” Jane tried to say something, but he simply guided her away from us and I turned my gaze towards Michael. “You two did that on purpose!” I glared at him, fighting a smile. “We did nothing of the sort. Let’s go for a walk. Uhm… this way.” He turned in the opposite direction of the gardens and swiftly walked away holding tightly onto my hand. “Michael, wait. Stop!” I shouted, but he ignored me as if I was a stop street! He just kept on walking with determination in the direction of the forest. My mind started racing. What spell could I use to stop him without harming him? He was my mate and I honestly shouldn’t be practicing magic on him. A few meters into the forest, he came to a sudden halt and turned around, making me crash into his rock-hard chest again. His arms caught me in time, so I didn’t trip, and I felt his biceps as they contracted and released under my fingertips. His eyes burned amber. His breath caught as he studied my face and his eyes locked with mine. My heart raced, and my breath was shallow. How was I going to resist this man? But how was I going to live a double life with him in it? He would never let me out of his sight! Then he lowered his head, resting his forehead on mine, his hot breath blew softly over my lips. I leaned into his embrace and kissed him…
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