Chapter 16 - The Will.

2426 Words

Elizabeth An insistent banging on my head finally woke me in the early hours of the morning. I realized there was someone at the door. Aunt Meg had booked rooms for her and my mom down the hall from me, but surely, they wouldn’t have knocked. Unless something had happened to mom!! I flew out of bed, immediately regretting my decision, and walked to the suite door, holding my head. When I opened the door, there he was. “Why did you leave me?” He glared at me. I couldn’t focus my eyes properly with the light from the passage and stood there in shock. How did he…? Oh hell, never mind. I turned around sighing and walked inside to hunt for headache tablets of some sort. “Come in, you’re going to do it anyway.” Waving my hand through the air on my way to the bathroom. The least I could do was

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