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CHAPTER 2 Gloria’s alarm woke her up shortly after six, only an hour or so after she’d finally managed to get herself back to sleep. Dreams about Stan had become more and more common since their daughter’s high school graduation last year. Memories that threatened to crush and overwhelm her. The funny thing was that if Stan were still alive, she probably would have forgotten all about that picnic in the backyard. She wouldn’t cling to those ridiculously mundane details of the four short years they’d had together. Making cream cheese and cucumber sandwiches to enjoy together that early summer evening. How many years ago? Far too long. She glided into her slippers, knowing that if she tried to hold her devotions in bed, she’d fall asleep again. At least her morning rituals were one part of her life where she felt she could be in complete control. Tying her robe around her waist, she walked softly down the hall, careful not to make too much noise. She turned on the water for tea and sat down in her rocking chair, prayer journal in hand. Well, Lord, I might be tired, but I’m ready to praise you today. The morning would be a little more rushed than usual. Gloria would have to leave the house by 8:30 to get to the church on time. This would be her eleventh year making snacks for vacation Bible school. She’d been planning for weeks already, writing out shopping lists, pouring through old recipe books, testing new ideas in her kitchen. This year would be different. Valley Tabernacle, the church across the river, was joining forces with Orchard Grove Bible Church. It made sense. With only two congregations in a town this small, there was no reason for each church to hold a separate VBS when they could pool their resources and work together. At least that’s what everyone had thought last spring when they started making plans. Gloria wasn’t too thrilled about having to cook in someone else’s space. She’d spent so much time at Orchard Grove Bible’s downstairs kitchen that it felt like she owned the space. She hoped that with the venue changed to Valley Tabernacle’s larger and newer campus she wouldn’t feel like a guest intruding in on someone else’s territory. And so she prayed. About the kitchen, the children coming to VBS, the other volunteers helping out. Gloria had recruited her daughter Susannah to help her in the kitchen, as well as one of the young men who’d grown up at Orchard Grove, Ricky Fields. Now there was a boy who needed her prayers. Prayers that he would one day find the courage to tell Susannah how he truly felt about her. If they weren’t a match made in heaven, Gloria didn’t know who was. They’d practically grown up wearing the same diapers. Aside from being so shy, he was perfect for her daughter, and Gloria had no problem telling God so while she prayed over her day. Once her tea was ready, she scooped in a small dollop of honey and took her mug back to the chair. This time of day was perfect. The girls were still asleep but not the birds outside. Birds who made for their Creator the glorious music that made everything look and feel peaceful and serene. Oh, Stan. Remember those mornings together? When we woke up early before you went off to work? I’m sorry I didn’t keep that up once the babies came. I should have found the energy to wake up with you even then. I had no idea how little time we’d have together. I miss you so much. If only you could see how beautiful the girls have grown up to be. But of course, her husband didn’t answer, and she was left to finish off her cup of tea alone.
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