Chapter 14-Independence Day

2757 Words

Today was 14th August—a blessed day and a day of celebration. Although in Pakistan it was still the 13th, but it was a rejoiced occasion for me.    On this day, there would be flags and banners and the whole country would be engaged in the festivities. And all you could hear would be PAKISTAN ZINDABAD from every person's mouth. My friends and I would hang huge flags on our rooftops and at night, we would do fireworks. Everywhere, there would be green and white.    But today, I had bigger problems. I couldn't possibly think of celebrating Independence Day when my married life is in jeopardy.    When I came back to the apartment last night, Shehzad had locked himself in his personal room and because of that; I was troubled throughout the night, not wanting to sleep at all.    All I could

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