Rogue Alpha

2110 Words

Alpha Kai - POV Damn, I should have known Caroline would betray me like this. And while I wished for a chance to avenge Leia's death, I'm aware I wasn't the one who killed Nesser. I never expected Francis, that playboy asshole, to be so manipulative-minded. I underestimated my opponent. I needed to inform Xavier about what transpired, but the council refused any favors from our Pack. They wouldn't even let me speak to Xavier, and I could hear the worry in my brother's voice. I knew Xavier would find a solution, but the problem would remain, even if he freed me from this prison. The problem would remain. Alpha Tiger wouldn't be pleased. Closing my eyes, I pondered how to stop the war between my Pack and the tiger clan. I also needed to find evidence of my innocence and expose Francis as

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