Undoing the curse

1748 Words

Xavier - POV "Enough, ladies. Is this how you behave? You are in an elite group, and yet you lack manners. The four of you are suspended from attending lectures for a week," Jennifer yelled and lectured those girls. Leia's face looked as if she was having trouble with the woman's question. "Leia, are you alright?" She merely nodded, but still maintained her distance from me. Though I was not too fond of how she was pulling away, I knew she was grieving and learning about the sorrowful past of her parents. Jennifer walked us through an eerie and cold dark room, and Leia rubbed her fingers to warm them up. "Sorry, this room needs to be kept at a lower temperature as the herbs get spoiled if exposed to heat," Jennifer added. I gave her my jacket to stop her shivering with cold. Leia looke

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