Chapter 4: Calvin Medder-2

1983 Words

Suddenly…his right foot slid out and from under him. He stumbled forward, losing his balance. He left out a mmmuuummff sound as he fell with his left arm straight out. The extended arm caught his weight and protected his face and chest from the fall. He felt a jarring sensation in his left shoulder as he went down, which would probably need some heat by the end of this evening’s adventure. While plummeting to the hard earth, his right hand still held the flashlight, which he kept from hitting the stone floor and breaking the device. The gold-white, and now purple beam of light bounced as he bounced in synchronized motion. Pain arched through his right knee as it made contact with rock. The fresh jolt of throbbing sensation forced him to close his eyes and think, Go away. Pain be gone. I’m

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