Year Two And The New Girl

1189 Words
LEES POV Another long and boring year went by me and mia stopping thinking about the past and just worried about are kids which was for the better we were told the knew girl is coming in a few day. Of course we were exited for a new face plus we needed more people just us for we were going nuts literally. Me and mia have gone a bit crazy we started pranking each other. We are aloud to train for 4 days a week which is better we started teaching blake thinks hes catching on really well alex is talking really well to which surprises me along with mia. It was around 8:20 in the morning an mia isnt up yet i always am up early with the kids soo i took the time to set up a prank. First mia is getting covered in honey then when she walks out the door a pie to the face an flower all over her its gonna be great. Jessie is gonna be here soon soo im hoping mia wakes up so jess dont see the mess she shits her pants every time. i stood on the other side of mias door with a pie and flower. "LEEEIGGGHHHH" i chuckled she finally woke up to all the honey on her she start to walk to the door when she opened it i pushed the pie in her face then the flower all over her. then i ran as she screamed "LEIGH LYNN KNIGHT IM GOING TO f*****g HURT YOU" i turn to see she look like a ghost i laughed "you think this is funny" "oh hell yes" I started to run again when i ran into jess "oh hey jess whats up" i smirked "what are you up to" Mia turned to corner and jess laughed "lee again" she asked "well duh she didnt get up with me and the kids sooo" then blake walked over "mum what happwend" he asked "why dont you ask auntie lee lee" "i pranked mumma" he laughed then alex came and hid behind me "scary auntie mimi" i picked her up "its ok baby i just pranked auntie" "anyways girls i want you to meet" "g-gia" mia asked i looked over to the women she was holding a little baby she had black hair red eyes "vampire" i growled putting blake and alex behind me "lee chill she wont hurt you or the kids" mia told me "mia is that really you" mia cleaned her face off "yes gg it is id hug you but lee here pranked me yet again" she growled "whoops anyways im leigh but you can call me lee everyone does" i shook her hand "gianna but everyone calls me gia or gg" "show her around girls and please clean up" i headed towards gias room and opened the room for here its the same as my room and mias just a little more darker. mia went for a shower i took the kids to the play room and put them in the play pen so i could show gia around "this is are outside room" "wow" then i took her to the training room "me and mia spend 4 days in here your welcome to join us the kids normally nap or jess or linkin watch them" she just nodded and we walked back to the living room "oh i forgot this is blake mias son hes 3 now and the one playing shy over there is my little s**t head alex" i pointed over to Alex who was hiding on the other side of the sofa "this is my son Blaze hes 2 months old" gia said he was cute "so is he a vampire to" i asked nervously "yes and no hes a hybrid vampire and wolf his father is my soulmate and im his mate or what you wolfs call them" "ive never heard of a vampire wolf hybrid but yes we call are other half's mates" we sat down talking while we waited for mia, i found out that gia was from the same pack shes the delta female her mate Aaron Lockwood hes blonde with blue eyes hes three years older then her and shes only 15, i felt bad for here only cuz we are all young and taken from our homes. "Mumma hungy" i turn to see alex coming to me i picked alex up and put her in the high chair and gave her cut up bananas finally mia came out "look whos clean now" i chuckled "lee ill get you back jessie is probably pissed at the mess that was in here" she walked over picking up Blake and snuggled him "gia how have you been i mean with everything" mia asked gia shrugged "i miss aaron alot" i saw a tear fall down her cheek i walked over to her "here let me take blaze for you i promise i wont hurt him" she nodded and i took him and take down by alex. mia had put blake down to hug and comfort gia. I really did feel back for her shes got a 2 month old and shes old 15, but its common for wolfs to have kids young. After sometime of gia crying i put the kids down for a nap i came back out when they were talking about the world ending "mia listen to me i was not anywhere ive been with the pack your mate is looking for you" mia shook her head "no everyone dyed the world and the packs are dead please i dont want to talk about" she left "lee please listen to me" i looked over to her "you look like mias mate ares and alex looks like loki, im telling you they are still alive ive been looking for mia for so long, her brother and parents miss her long with her mate" "i want to believe you but we cant talk about this here there are cameras just dont say anything to mia she cant handle talking about this" i left to check on mia i knocked on her door "come in" she whispered knowing i could hear her. i opened the door and seen mia sitting on the floor with blake "he looks go much like ares lee" i shut the door behind me "i know mimi i see ares in him" "same goes for alex i cant stand to look are her she looks like loki when he was a kid but then i see you in her lee" i sat down next to mia "what if its true mia what if the really are alive mind you im not going back to my so called mate" she laughed at me "i dont want to get my hopes up on that Leigh, so have blakes hopes up hes never met his father i cant explain to him why he hasnt" As much as i dont want to agree with her shes right i dont want to get my hopes up about getting out of here
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