Year Four and The Human

1409 Words

LEES POV Everyone has come to terms with being here the kids dont understand it and question it but can you blame them. Blaze is only 2 so he dont really need to understand yet but Blake being 5 now and Alex being 4 they want to leave and its hard to explain to them why they cant. Mias now 20, im 19 and gia is 17 we have enjoyed spending time together even on are birthdays only cuz we get one day off no cleaning and the other moms take your child for one day. Its nice to have a break. Blake has started homeschooling along with Alex they are pretty smart but Alex has had the worst temper tantrums EVERY if she doesnt get her way she screams blood murder as if someone is killing her then she will run around kicking things throwing etc you get the point my child is a demon. Blake is about

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