Mia's Kidnapping

1103 Words
MIAS POV Ive found my mate, well he found me i knew he was my mate and i was excited to have him. i was only 15 at the time. My mate was Ares Micheal Knight, hes 20 as of now he didnt want to stay in his pack so he joined here and took over as beta. I lived with my mother father and my older brother he look over being alpha at 18 hes now 20 as well and loki and ares have been close we all went to school together. Its common for mates to move it and be mated almost upon meeting and me and ares rushed into it. Ares didnt like his family much i didnt really asked why or anything all i knew is that his parents we somewhat nice he had a sister but he called he an omega i never got to mean his parents or sister. I always hopped they liked me. The day i went missing me and ares got into a fight then i went for a walk then woke up in hell. HOURS EARLIER I sat in my room reading i was a bookworm and loved to read. I finished school early well we got left out cuz of an rogue attack on the school to my father and mother the luna an alpha called and closed school for the day. Loki was out in training and Area was being a d**k and had me stay in our room so i could train. Hes only been here 5 months and im tired of him already i maybe a child but come on im a alpha daughter and im technicality beta female so he can stop being an ass. Come on mia mate is just trying to protect us Faith hes being a possessive asshole and you know it, not letting me train come on now i need to be able to protect my self right she sighed, mia ok maybe your right about him being a bit so possessive but remember he is of alpha blood and born soo i hate when your right thats why you love me tho i laughed, right. i blocked my wolf out so i could read again but i was pulled out of it when Ares walked in. "hey b-" he cut me off by putting his hand up like he was king s**t of turd island he walked into the bathroom to shower what a asshole. i growled in his way he heard me im guessing hes still mad at me for walking away from him when he said i wasnt aloud to go training anymore why cuz i have him and my brother blah blah blah bullshit Area finished showering i heard the bathroom door open up he came over to me and tried to kiss me but i wasnt having it and he knew damn why but he still growled at my action so he tired again "no ares" i said He growled "why" "cuz you want to act like a d**k head i tried to talk to you and you hold he hand up for me to be quiet like no" i growled and walked for the door but ares pulled my arm "let me go" i snapped i was a hotheaded person "Mia come on now stop being a child" "IM 15 I STILL AM A CHILD" "MIa watch the tone your staying here" "no im going for a walk cuz your a asshole and dont want me to do anything" i pushed him away from me causing him to growl. "mia your pissing me off now" his eyes started to change color i slowly backed away you dont want to deal with an angry alpha when their wolf is coming out. "ares calm d-" all i felt was hit hand strike my face then all i seen was the floor. i was in shock. i brought my shakey hand up to my cheek is hurt and was gonna leave a mark i felt tears fall down my cheeks ive never been hit by anyone not even ares. i turn to see his eyes go back to normal "mia im so sorry i didnt mean to" he said low and tried walking towards me but i moved back he had sadness all over his face i got up and ran out of the room and house all i heard was ares yelling my name but i couldnt bare to look at him. I spent hours outside ares kept trying to link me but i didnt want to talk to him i was a long way from the pack house i was in town now almost 6 hours away but i needed to leave that house. i sat on the grass at the park. I got lost in my own world i didnt hear anything come up behind me then everything went black. Present Day I sat here explaining to lee what had happened to me and when i woke thats it i was told to world ended and i was pregnant. "you see after the fight me and ares had i never got to see him and listen to his reasoning nothing i just ran i had never been hit mind you my parents where strict as hell but i was always good. Loki on the other hand he got it bad my father never wanted a girl but he wanted a boy so he had been harder on loki then me. Loki got beat is why he is the way he is but my father started to change once loki took over being alpha" I look over to Leigh she looked like she was gonna cry "mia i cant believe my brother did that to you" "lee it was almost 5 years ago he probably thinks i hate him or something i wish i could change that day i really do lee you dont get it. the look on his face still kills me" Then it was quiet "i guess my past is why i dont let my self get close to blake hes all i have left of ares lee but i cant stand to see ares in blake i wish he looked more like me sometimes" i know i shouldnt blame my child for his fathers mistake i do feel bad for doing it and it kills me but theres just something in me telling me not to faith scolds me every time i dont give blake more time. trust me i feel like a bad parent
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