
1096 Words
ara He releases a sultry and incredible growl before pushing me down onto the couch, pinning me there. He takes the bottle, sets it on the floor, and proceeds to kiss my mouth, neck, chest, slowly stripping off my jeans. My shoes clatter to the floor, and soon I'm wearing nothing on the bottom. That beast kisses my inner thigh, his hands reaching up my top and teasing my breasts. He licks me gently, nibbling closer and closer to the heat between my legs. "For such a big bastard, you really can be very—" "Tender?" he asks as he slides two massive fingers inside of my dripping p***y. "Oh, f**k," I say, mind blazing and suddenly blank as pleasure rips down my spine. "Lovely Cara," he whispers, licking and kissing my clit. I run my fingers through his thick hair, loving the way he says my name, but also the way he licks my p***y and slides his meaty fingers inside. I'm twitching, shaking, back arched— He reaches down and picks up the champagne bottle. Before I can say a word, he pours the last little bit over my p***y. I gasp at the sudden bubbling cold. I try to wriggle away but he holds me down and sucks the champagne from my clit and the folds of my p***y, licking me clean, making these filthy delighted noises as he does it. "f**k, Eros, you need to warn a girl before you drench her in champagne." He slides his fingers in deep, silencing me as a low moan wrenches itself from my throat. "I couldn't help myself. You taste too good." My head rolls back in sudden ecstasy. I gasp, back arching. He slides his fingers in and out faster, going in deep and curling them, before he pulls back out and licks them clean. "Holy s**t," I say, panting and flushed and right on the edge of something incredible. "Please, don't stop." He leans forward, sucks my clit, and slips two fingers inside of me again, and all my worries, all my fears, they're all suddenly very, very gone. He f***s me with those massive, strong fingers, he licks me with that silky tongue, and I'm so shocked, aroused, and overwhelmed that I last barely seconds before I'm coming on his mouth. I moan and twitch, saying his name, whimpering it over and over. I come as his lips and tongue and fingers make my body feel something I've never experienced before in my life. Well, okay, wow, yeah, that's what an actual orgasm feels like. I lay there blinking at the ceiling, marveling at how freaking good that felt. I've never, ever come like that before. Which I think means I've never actually come at all. "Very good, lovely Cara," he says, kissing my neck. He whispers something in Greek. "Translation?" I ask, running my hands through his hair. "I said, you taste like honey and I could drown in your juices if you let me." "Oh." I blink rapidly. "That's nice. Very polite." "No, Cara, you are very nice." He slips off me and stands. His c**k presses against his suit pants. I realize this night is only just beginning. "Now, follow me. You seem a little hesitant." "Yeah, well, you poured champagne on my p***y, and typically, that's something I'd like a little heads-up on—" "Next time, I'll ask permission very politely before pleasuring you. Does that work?" "No need to be a d**k about it." He pulls me to my feet and kisses me softly. "No more champagne, asteraki mu." "Astera—what the hell does that mean?" "My little star." He kisses my neck. I blink rapidly as my head tingles and buzzes. "Now take off your clothes, please." "Uh," I say, barely keeping up with this conversation as he leads me into the bedroom. The king-sized mattress is huge and pristine. I stagger as I stand in front of it and unzip my sweatshirt. "You're just going to watch?" "Of course." He takes off his shirt, unbuttoning each button, revealing inch after inch of toned, muscular skin with just the right amount of dark chest hair and thick, black tattoos. "Would you like some privacy after I sucked champagne from your p***y? After I tasted you dripping down my tongue? I could close my eyes, if that's what you'd rather." The man is a bull of a human, a massive, muscular specimen. It's beautiful and terrifying. I'm trembling as I take off my shirt and stand in nothing but a bra. "No need to be a prick." Christopher liked to turn out the lights. He liked things pitch dark. He said it was better that way, that things were easier when he couldn't see. I just assumed that was normal. He never went down on me. He barely touched me at all. Now I'm stripping in front of his man like it's nothing. "Bra," Eros says, standing in his boxer briefs, his massive c**k rock hard and throbbing. "Please, asteraki mu. Let me look at you." I unhook it and let it fall forward. The way he looks at my breasts, at my hard n*****s, I nearly scream with excitement. He comes to me. I back away, bump against the bed, and fall onto it. I squirm, but he keeps coming until he pins me down, kneeling at my side. I reach out to part the front slit in his boxers. His c**k is thick and long and covered in pulsing veins, the tip engorged and enormous. I blink rapidly in shock as I take him in both hands. "Holy s**t," I blurt out, but any more surprise is drowned out as his fingers find my slick p***y again, and he pulls my hair tight, tilting my chin up. My mouth opens as his c**k slides inside. I moan with him between my lips. He's salty, warm, and my tongue rolls around his tip. He teases me, easily taking my body, this massive monster of a man, f*****g me again nice and slow with his fingers as his c**k slides in and out of my lips. "I knew that mouth was good for something other than just cursing. You thought your mouth was dirty before, but I will make you filthy, asteraki mu." I moan and can't do much else considering the biggest c**k in the world is practically choking me. And I love every second of it, every moment of this filthy pleasure, all my buttons fully pushed, all my triggers completely pulled.
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