Chapter Four-1

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Chapter Four Friday, April 9th 2010, 9:49 pm They moved to the couch and resumed their kissing. Tori was very much enjoying this; it had been so long since she’d had s*x – at least with another person; her vibrator had taken quite a beating lately. There was her time in hospital; and then the divorce from Mike. Christ, it had been a year at least – and the last time had been a rather sordid and unsatisfying one night stand with a guy she’d picked up at a party. They’d both been drunk; and he’d been pretty useless at foreplay. But this was different. Gemma was so gentle; and so beautiful – and she certainly wasn’t rushing anything. In fact Tori just wanted Gemma to rip her clothes off and go down on her right now. She knew she was already soaking wet between her legs – and they were both still fully clothed! Did Gemma expect Tori to take the lead? As though she’d read her mind, Gemma paused in her kissing and looked Tori in the eye. “Is it OK if I spend the night?” she whispered. “I know that’s a bit heavy for a first date; but I promise I’ll sleep on the couch if you feel uncomfortable. It’s just that I fancy a drink…” Tori smiled. “If it comes to that I’ve got a spare bedroom that’s always made up; but somehow I don’t think it’ll come to that.” “Really?” Gemma said, smiling. Her eyes were shining. The color really was natural; Tori now knew for sure. Maybe there really was a God if a woman could be so breathtakingly lovely. “Of course,” Tori answered immediately. “I need to call Greg and let him know I won’t be back tonight,” she whispered. “Why don’t you make me a drink? Vodka and tonic – and if you do a good job I might even give you a reward.” “That sounds nice!” Tori chuckled. She loved how such a petite package could be so assertive. Tori was used to being overbearing in many of her business meetings – it was expected of women these days – especially in her line of work. Total confidence; never show weakness – it was good to let somebody else be in control for a while. She felt giddy when she stood up – her whole body was tingling with excitement! Her hands were trembling as she poured the drink; she was careful not to make it too strong. She put two ice cubes in; and was grateful that she kept slices of lemon in the freezer too. She wondered what kind of “reward” Gemma had in mind. Then she realized she hadn’t made a drink for herself – why was that? Was she waiting for permission from Gemma? How odd; it was just that Tori had the feeling she should ask Gemma’s permission first. The girl was still on the phone when Tori came back into the lounge. “Hold on a second, love,” she said into the handset. She held her hand out for the drink; looking Tori in the eyes. She took and sip and nodded approvingly. “It’s lovely, Tori. Good girl,” she said softly. “Why don’t you get down on your knees and take my trainers off?” Tori blinked. That was her reward? Oh, well of course she’d have to strip Gemma naked at some point; and it seemed rather logical to start with her trainers. But the situation was so bizarre – she was on the phone to her husband for Christ’s sake! The thought of it sent another shiver of excitement through Tori. “What time do we need to be at your parents’ place tomorrow?” A pause. “OK, I’ll be back in plenty of time, I promise. Now listen sweetheart, I don’t want you getting too excited tonight. Will you go to the toy cupboard please? Do it now.” Toy cupboard? They didn’t have kids – both the file and Gemma herself had told her that. Gemma took the phone away from her ear and smiled at Tori. “He’s such a lovely guy,” she said. “Do you like my feet?” Tori had taken the trainers and socks off now. Gemma actually did have lovely feet. Her toes were immaculately painted with a blue/grey polish. Tonight her fingernails were painted in the same shade. It looked like a professional manicure and pedicure. “They’re gorgeous,” Tori whispered. “You don’t need to keep quiet,” Gemma told her. “Greg knows you’re here, and what we’re doing.” She put the phone back to her ear. “OK darling, I want you to put the Kali ring on. Hey! Now don’t start whining! Just do it before you start getting hard. Tell me when it’s on. Use the little padlock with the red mark on – I’ve got the key to that one with me.” She smiled at Tori again. “Would you like to kiss them?” she asked. “K…kiss your feet?” Tori stammered. “Only if you want to – they’re nice and clean from my shower at the gym; I’d like you to kiss them.” Tori swallowed hard – actually she really did want to kiss Gemma’s feet. They were so perfect; so totally gorgeous. When Tori was Gemma’s age her feet were already covered in callouses and corns from her combat boots; and the high heels that Mike liked her to wear always cramped her toes. But Gemma’s feet were lovely – somebody obviously took good care of them. They were silky smooth, and there was no hard skin in sight. Before Tori knew what she was doing she’d gently lifted Gemma’s right foot to her lips and started to kiss her toes. It felt nice – and very erotic to think she was talking to her husband on the phone at the same time! What was this about padlocks? “That feels so good, Tori!” Gemma chuckled. She put the phone to her ear again. “Are you in sweetie? And the lock’s closed? Good boy; take a photo with your phone and send it now. I want to show Tori. Yes – she’s kneeling in front of me now, kissing my feet.” She chuckled softly. “Well I wasn’t going to tell you before you were wearing it! You’d get too hard to put it on, wouldn’t you? Oh poor baby! Is it hurting already? Well it’s not coming off now. I’ve got the only key around my neck, so it’s your problem now, isn’t it? Thank me for not making you use the punishment ring. You’re welcome. You’re such a good boy! That’s why I love you!” Tori saw Gemma reach into her T-shirt and take out the silver chain that was around her neck. Sure enough, there was a small silver key on there with a dab of red nail polish on it. Jesus! What did that open? She rattled the key close to the phone. “Suck my toes,” Gemma told her. It sounded like an order; and Tori obeyed willingly. There was a beep from the phone and Gemma pressed a couple of buttons. “Now listen, Tori – I don’t want you to freak out,” she said. “I told Greg to lock his d**k into something called a Kali ring. Do you know what that is?” Tori took Gemma’s left big toe out of her mouth. “I haven’t a clue,” she said. “It’s a small, steel tube that sort of opens out so it can fit around a man’s c**k and be locked in place. It’s about an inch long and it fits just below the head. It’s small enough so that it can only be locked closed when he’s flaccid; and it locks in place with a small padlock. I’ve got the key to that padlock here.” She jiggled the key again and smiled. “Here’s the good part; the inside of the Kali ring has dozens of little metal teeth. If poor Greg tries to get hard, it becomes very painful indeed.” She spoke into the phone again. “Well I suggest a cold flannel, or maybe an ice pack, sweetie; and believe me if you could see how sexy Tori is – and what she’s doing to me – then even that wouldn’t work.” She held the phone so that Tori could see the photo. Sure enough it showed a man’s flaccid p***s with a silver tube squeezed around it – the padlock showed quite clearly. f**k! Tori felt an icy cold blast down her spine. Gemma wasn’t a terrorist – she was just a f*****g psycho! “OK, I have to go; Tori’s got that ‘deer in the headlight’ look and I need to convince her I’m not stark raving mad. I’ll see you tomorrow my darling. Thank you for making me happy! I love you so much!” She cleared the call and looked at Tori, smiling. “Well?” she said. “I…” Tori said, but ran out of words. Her Glock 9mm pistol was under lock and key in a secret compartment in her bedroom closet; but she wouldn’t need that to deal with Gemma. “Keep kissing me while I try to explain it,” Gemma ordered. “We sort of talked about it in the restaurant, right? Greg and I are crazy about each other; but I like having s*x with girls; and you asked if Greg sleeps around too.” “And you told me he doesn’t,” Tori said slowly. “I just don’t understand why that is. I thought that swingers…is that the right word? I sort of assumed it was a mutual thing – something both of you did. That’s why I assumed he might have some sort of medical problem. I mean…is it that he doesn’t like s*x?” “Greg?” she chuckled. “Christ, no! He loves s*x, and he’s great in bed; in fact he’s really considerate; and a wonderful lover. But he doesn’t want other women – he just wants me.” Tori frowned. “So what you’re saying is that you have an open marriage, it’s just that Greg never takes advantage of it?” “God, you make it sound horrible!” Gemma told her. “Are you trying to f**k this evening up?” She smiled as she said it, but Tori sensed she’d hit a nerve. Why was Tori pursuing this conversation at all? Up until two minutes ago Tori desperately wanted to make love to Gemma, even now it could still happen – as long as this gorgeous woman wasn’t too crazy! “No, of course not!” she told her. “I just want to be clear about how much Greg is being hurt in this relationship though. I’ve been in his place, Gemma! It’s not nice to be two-timed by your partner.” “But in your case, do you think your husband still loved you?” Tori sighed. “I seriously doubt it,” she said. “But it looks to me that you don’t allow Greg to have s*x at all – you don’t even allow him to get hard. That Kali device looks barbaric!” “Of course he has s*x!” Gemma chuckled. “You can kiss my other foot now, by the way. We were sleeping together for three years before we got married; and we’ve been married for five years; and most of that time we had s*x like a regular couple – great s*x actually. Then for the past…well about two years, we’ve played what we call ‘The Chastity Game’. For part of the time I keep Greg locked in a chastity device of some sort – the Kali is the most severe – and he loves the idea of earning his orgasms by being a good husband to me. The longer he goes without s*x, the bigger his reward. So if he abstains for a week, then I let him jerk off in front of me while I wear something he likes; and I tease him for ages before I let him touch himself. He likes to worship my feet too – and he loves to do my nails; he’s really good at it. Two weeks of chastity, and I give him a hand job – but I usually ruin his orgasm.” “H…how do you do that?” Tori asked in a dazed voice. “As soon as I know he’s coming I let go of him. Keep kissing please, Tori! He’s usually tied up so he can’t grab himself. It means he still ejaculates, but most of the sensual pleasure is lost for him – if I do it just right he usually cries because of the frustration; and I hold him in my arms afterwards while calms down. I know it might sound horrible, but it’s an incredibly intimate moment. Men usually have such a hard time expressing their feelings, and sharing those feelings with a woman; but the Chastity Game strips Greg of that macho outer layer; and we get to share our emotions on a much deeper level.” Tori’s hands were trembling slightly. But was it fear, or excitement? She wished she’d read the whole f*****g security file properly now, and not just the summary. Was this woman crazy? She was saying the most outrageous stuff, but in such a matter-of-fact voice. Like she was describing a trip to the funfair! “Look; I’m telling you all this because I know you feel bad about the idea of me being married,” Gemma said; swirling her glass. “I can see you’re shocked – you’re not going to throw me out are you?” Tori took a deep breath. She continued to kiss Gemma’s toes as she considered the question. Should she just stop this now? She knew the answer to that question – yes! But did she want to stop it? Very definitely she did not – in fact everything that Tori was telling her about Greg was making the situation more…erotic. There was another possibility; if Greg was so desperate for s*x…
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