Chapter 7

1496 Words

7 BECKY “I’m sorry, ma’am. This card has been denied.” After waiting an hour in Bishop’s small waiting area for the tires to be replaced, the scent of old coffee and motor oil making my stomach queasy then desperate for forbidden caffeine. I was hungry and tired and cranky. Mostly cranky. While I’d played a stupid game on my phone, my thoughts had veered to Clint. Why had he come by? He lived on the other side of the mountains at Wolf Ranch. It made no sense why he was on my street unless to see me. Had he driven over twenty miles just for me? His kiss said yes. His response to the bomb that I was married not so much. Well, maybe even more so. It didn’t matter though. It was over. Very over. No honorable guy messed around with a married woman. Clint was honorable. I knew it. He might

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