
1393 Words

Epilogue BECKY “It’s fine. I’m doing fine,” I reassured my mate, whose head looked like it was about to spin around and pop off after my last contraction. “But a little less pressure on the hand.” “f**k!” Clint released his overly-tight grip, and I shook my fingers out. “Are you sure you don’t want an epidural? Sugar, you don’t need to be a hero. It’s killing me to see you in pain.” “It’s not about you, Clint,” Janet informed her son tartly, feeding me a spoonful of crushed ice with apple juice mixed in. “You’re doing great, honey. And of course, Clint’s right--” “No,” I gasped then stopped to breathe through another contraction. They were coming one right on top of the other now, which meant I was definitely in transition. “Don’t offer again,” I got out when it ebbed. Clint smacked

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