Episode 13

853 Words

HAYLEY Chloe erupted into loud shouts the moment she saw me. Maybe she thought she had seen a ghos and I hoped that's what she thought! Maybe it woud scare her to leave the room but no! I blinked my eyes in shame, knowing I have been caught. I had no idea what to do at this point. Chloe bent over again with her phone torchlight, shinning it directly to my face.. “Hayley?” She called, her voice still unsure if I was the one. I fluttered my eyes closed, feeling caught at this point. Would I ever get anything right. “Wait, Hayley?! You are stalking Easton?!” She blasted, her voice loud.. I ran my hands through my hair in slight frustration and gently began crawling out of the under bed. She watched me, her face curved in dislike and malice. I know didn't like me, especially since tha

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