Chapter 12

2547 Words

After an excellent dinner, Mrs. Keith took Blanche away, and the men found a quiet corner in the rotunda, where they sat talking for a while. “I have an appointment to keep and must go in a few minutes,” Blake said, glancing at his watch. “Make my excuses to your wife; I shall not see her again. It would be better: there’s no reason why she should be reminded of anything unpleasant now. She’s a good woman, Bertram, and I’m glad she didn’t shrink from me. It would have been a natural thing, but I believe she was sorry and was anxious to make all the allowances she could.” Challoner was silent for a few moments, his face showing signs of strain. “I don’t deserve her, d**k; the thought of it troubles me. She doesn’t know me for what I really am!” “Rot!” Blake exclaimed. “It’s your misfort

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