Chapter 5

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And then the white wolf descended in his direction so fast that after he shot one time, the blue-eyed wolf was face to face with him. By its growl, Gaston knew this one was female and it looked defensive rather than offensive. Maybe his animal instinct told him so. Such a thought made him pause which gave the white wolf a chance to bite him on his already wounded leg. Gaston felt himself being dragged away from there until he can’t see the other wolves which only stood still despite the white wolf’s attack on him. A gush of wind greeted Gaston’s face as he squinted at the view of the cloudy sky again. His head bounced up and down as he was continually dragged away from the forest. Then he felt his hand suspended to his left. He had enough strength to sway his head to that side and saw the raging waterfalls on the other side. The release of his leg from the tight grip of the wolf’s jaw exacerbated the pain for an unknown reason. Then his view was constricted when the wolf hovered above him with a low growl in its throat. His eyes connected with what seemed to be his final death. “Are you going to finally kill me after leading me into the trap?” Gaston asked in both mockery and amusement. For he never even once fell into someone’s trap in a man’s world full of mischief and tricks. He grinned at it with bloodied teeth. “At least you brought me into such a nice view.” He turned his head to the waterfalls again and waited for his gruesome death to come upon him. Maybe before the sun sets, he might be bones and a few lumps of meat. He closed his eyes when he felt more presence of the other timber wolves in there. There was an exchange of growls among them, maybe deciding how to divide the spoils among them or something like that. But a few moments later, it never came. The tearing of his flesh and the sickening sound that would come with it. Instead, he felt freed from the hover of that particular wolf pinning him down. The white wolf turned to the other wolves which looked rather younger and…rather whimpering in fear for something. When a loud howl resonated inside the forest, those wolves shuffled on their feet except for the white wolf. Gaston had no idea what he was seeing but was unsure if he had seen clearly how those large dogs communicated. Then the white wolf turned in his direction before it dashed forward, jumping to such a height down the wild river. He had no idea how to react to that as the other young wolves followed suit, ignoring him completely lying on the ground. One by one, those wolves started to resurface the water as if it wasn’t big deal, maneuvering in that turbulent flow. Now, Gaston sensed that something lurked in the forest that instantly made him look to his right side. He saw it then, much larger than he encountered. Another group of wolves appeared more menacing than the ones he killed with his gun. He quite understood now the fear that those young wolves felt. For this one staring at him seemed like a nightmare itself. Without even thinking about it even more, Gaston followed what that white wolf did just to get away from there as soon as possible. When those wolves and their alpha sprinted forward, Gaston found himself already underwater, fighting again for his life as the waters were merciless even for someone half dead as him. Then as he lost all his strength to fight the rapid turbulence from drowning him, he felt somewhat lifted off his back to the surface for an unknown reason. His chest felt similar to being stabbed as he suck for air as soon as his face met the skylight above the waters. The rest of the circumstance was forgotten as he felt his back on the hard bed of wet rocks while he was still soaked in shallow water. His face turned to one side where he saw in a great distance that white wolf again, shaking its fur to dry before it ran away faster from there along with the other wolves. *** Nefertiti threw a last glance at the man on the other side of the river. She might be saved her from his impending m******e in the den as well as the apparent drowning by the wild river but his anger was visible in his weakened state. Maybe, if given the chance, that guy might have gunned her down just like the many attempts he made a while ago. He realized that he was led into a dangerous zone. “You shouldn’t have come here.” Nefer thought before turning away from the man and running along with the other female wolves. Though they might have been a distance away from where Zeliot was, they shouldn’t be complacent with a false sense of security. If they must escape, they should be fast enough to race with the wind itself. “Pick up the pace!!” Nefertiti growled to the other she-wolves. “They’re close behind us.” By that, her mind was put off by the guy she left in the river. Whether Zeliot will find that human or not, she didn’t care anymore. The welfare of her fellow wolves must come first. *** Gaston had no recollection of what happened after that. He just found himself in a spacious room, with mahogany walling and a gentle humming of an engine. There was an occasional swaying of the place and he knew that very moment that he was back on the ship. He turned his head to the opened window and saw a dim sky and a dark ocean. “Good that you're awake.” It was Anton’s voice by the door, bringing plates of food into the room. “Thought you might be hungry for sleeping the whole day.” Gaston tried moving but a sharp pain in his lower body made him collapse back to the bed. Anton created a ‘tsk’ sound putting the plate of roasted chicken and baked potatoes on the bedside table. “On board doctor did his best for those nasty wounds and injected you a double dose of medicine for some rabies. But he said you should be brought to a hospital. Said your feet are not looking good at all.” “What’s the fuzz? I’ll probably get some stitches and bandages. Then, I’m good.” “Gaston, I think you need more than that. It was fortunate enough that I found you on time before those wolves would end up eating you while you were asleep in the river. And to my judgment, your wounds need a lot of care more than mere stitches and bandages.” “Stop fussing, Anton. You sounded a lot like your father now.” “My friend, I’m gonna be honest with you. Your injuries might prevent you from walking in the future.” Anton sighed. “Let’s hope that I’m gravely mistaken about this.” ...
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