Chapter 3

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Nefertiti eyed the man across the river, making sure that he would know her presence there. For an unknown reason, she felt a pang right in her stomach. Not because she pitied him for stepping closer to his death but because it was something else. There was no denying that the man roaming around the forest was a feign one must not mess up with. When she heard his tone of voice on the ship, she knew that this kind of man will surely bring Zeliot down. However, seeing him in person, though in distance, she felt a menacing aura around him. His cold eyes a hint of boredom in life as well as the veil of death was just within his reach. She smelled many drops of blood-soaked on his skin though there have no traces on the skin. This man killed so many. Both his own kind and the animals he might have already hunted. She heard him talking to someone that he shall bring the head of the alpha and include it in his collection. After observing the man and inconspicuously leading him to the den, Nefertiti returned to the Hives. “Where have you been?” Nefertiti stiffened and stopped proceeding in the direction where she will sleep for the night. She slowly turned behind her and came face to face with the alpha Zeliot. “I had some fresh air by the river,” Nefertiti answered with bowed head, showing her meekness and submissiveness towards Zeliot. She felt defiant when he approached her and cradled her shin with his hand. They met eyes. One observing and one seeking an answer of honesty. “It’s been many nights since you’ve been escaping.” “I’m not escaping.” “Don’t lie to me.” He snarled. “Do you think I won’t notice?” Nefertiti already knows that spouting lies to Zeliot won’t do her any good. He will soon find out about it and who knows what he might end up doing with a temper like his. “There was a ship docked in the bay when I happen to hunt for a rabbit.” Nefertiti webbed another believable lie right in front of his face. “Then one man came intending to hunt for the wolves. I tried to lead him astray but I think he’s a seasoned hunter to always find tracks toward our den.” Now, this caught Zeliot’s attention, and let her go immediately. “He’s by the river. Tomorrow, he’ll be at the den. We must evacuate everyone before anyone will be hurt. We can’t fight with their modern weaponry.” Nefertiti persuaded him but she knew Zeliot’s pride all too well. He will try to fight for it. “You shall not leave the den. We shall take care of that bastard.” Zeliot growled and left in haste. Nefertiti watched Zeliot leave along with the others. She curled her fists in both anger and disappointment. “Nefer, did he find out about the plan?” Kanaan asked anxiously, making sure to make her voice as low as possible even though Zeliot and his bunch of loyal followers left. “No. But our way of escaping from here might be killed before he can be at the den tomorrow.” Nefertiti sighed. “Then the plan is blown?” Amor approached them. Nefertiti glanced at them with a decision. “Prepare the others for the escape. We must take the earliest opportunity to leave when they don’t have their eyes on us.” The girls nodded and started passing the messages who wished to leave the pack. “Where are you heading at? Zeliot told you not to leave the den.” Anari started when Nefertiti was leaving. “I must know if that guy will be killed today or not. I know Zeliot is prideful but he’s never reckless to attack an unknown enemy.” Nefertiti informed, “Wait for my signal.” *** True to her suspicion, Zeliot didn’t attack the unsuspecting man sleeping in the bonfire. Maybe that alpha still rounded for his other wolves to plan for an ambush. Nefertiti silently and cautiously crossed the streams of water, heading in the direction of the man. She sensed that this guy seemed to have a sharp instinct himself. The last thing she wanted was to be caught sneaking around him. If she had to use this guy, she must at least give him some advantage. Her blue eyes glittered in the yellow light of the fire, as her wet paws met the dried ground. She studied the guy briefly before her eyes caught on the jacket carelessly placed on the boulder he leaned on. Warily observing his sleeping form, Nefertiti bridged the distance between her and the boulder. She won’t want to risk him waking up, she picked up speed, nabbed the jacket, and dashed away from there. Zeliot must be led into another side of the river through the scent of the fabric she brought. The whole forest will be filled with all his other wolves. But at the very least, those will be the low-ranking ones and not the alpha itself. She just needs to lead that guy into the den where there will be weak guards on-standby. From there, her plan should commence...
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