Chapter 1

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Nefertiti’s frame shook as she cast her eyes to the unmoving body of Kain, the alpha of Hives for many years. Whilst on the right, Zeliot stood with a broad grin on his face. His sweated tanned body was not spared many wounds. But those weren’t enough to kill him. Her eyes slowly shifted to Zeliot, laced with hatred and fury, a promise formed in her mind. In fact, at that very moment, she had already murdered him a thousand times inside her mind. But she knew so much, as well as the rest of the middle-ranking wolves in Hives, that no one could overpower the previous Beta of the clan. Now without much formality, Zeliot became the newest alpha of Hives in the Ural mountains. The night fell into a silent cry of anguish among the wolves loyal to Kain. Nefertiti approached the female wolves hovering in a corner. The men had transferred their loyalty to Zeliots while the others who resisted were sent to their demise. So the only ones left in the pack were the young women wolves. “What are we going to do, Nefer?” Kanaan inquired, warily eyeing the men in the distance celebrating the welcoming of the Alpha. “Zeliot made it clear that you would be his woman, his Luna.” “Everyone must know that a mate can’t be forced. Being a Luna to someone like him is enough to insult me.” Nefertiti growled, which made the five other women cower. She closed her eyes momentarily and heaved a deep sigh. “Kain wouldn’t want any of the female wolves to be a s*x slave to any of the wolves.” “They are too strong. If we resist their bidding, we’ll be…” Anari whimpered with welling tears in her eyes, “ we’ll be killed.” “I know. I shall leave this dawn to think of some ways.” Nefertiti said in low voice. “Don’t leave us here, please. What if Zeliot comes to find you here?” Kanaan asked. “No. I’m sure they’ll be too drunk to even stand on four feet.” Nefertiti glanced in the direction of the merry-making. “What if we escaped when they’re drunk enough?” Anari suggested. “No. Escaping into the mountains will only give us days until they find us. They had an advantage of speed that we lack.” Nefer considered, “Then what?” Amor finally voiced out. “We need to leave the mountain fast,” Nefertiti said, mostly to herself, knowing that she still had no idea how. At dawn, when every man was drunk on the ground with grape wine, Nefer left in haste to a random direction. When she was finally away, she finally howled her anguish for losing Alpha Kain, who treated her no less than his very own daughter. Years ago, she was found on the bank of a wild river in the east, almost lifeless. She remembered only pain and coldness enshrouding her whole body. Then later it was filled with warmth and the welcoming smell of…home. Though her previous home was far and incomparable to the woods, being in the presence of someone who meant no harm to her, was enough for her to settle into a deep slumber. But then, Zeliot, that Beta became greedy for a position of an Alpha in the Hives, wanting to have the power that comes with being the top ranking alpha in the Ural. That young alpha usurping power will soon meet his end. That was Nefer earnestly promised. Running in random directions eventually led her to the cliff. Her eyes saw a ship docked not far from the ocean bay. Kain told all his members to always be wary of the presence of humans. For they bring nothing but destruction. That very destruction was what Nefertiti sought. So, she took the direction towards it, exhilarated that she had found her means of escaping from there along with the other female wolves. Her paws were buried sightly on the sandy shore, hiding behind the mangrove tree. She eyed the men on the ship and concentrated on listening to their conversation. One man stood out among them. He commanded force of the rest of the men and learned of his plan to hunt in the mountains. She tarried for a while and listened closely to the rest of the conversation until she had to return to the den before Zeliot would find her disappearance for the whole night there. As she traveled back to the Hive’s den, her whole plan was already devised to perfection. Though it was cruel, a sacrifice must be made for the majority to survive. That man in the ship would be immolation to those vicious wolves when she led him directly to them. She must hope that before he dies, he should kill that nightmare of an alpha. Or his death will merit to nothing and their escape will be impossible to execute.
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