Reuben strikes again

1095 Words

Chapter Thirty-One – Reuben strikes again. What? He really knew her. And bad start? Who wouldn’t have a bad start with someone like her! “I know Cara. She’s not as bad as she seems” Charles said. I began laughing hard. He looked confused. “Is she the friend you had monitor me. No wonder she knew about mom’s job. Really?” I just couldn’t stop laughing. If she was, why was she a jerk to me at first? That girl was just beyond understanding. “Why not. She’s a good person” Charles said confused. I wanted to pat his head and tell him how toxic his friend could be but I couldn’t stop laughing so I swallowed my words. “How bad are you two?” he flicked my head. I turned back to see the food box and I stretched to reach it. He pulled me back. “What? Food is in there. And I have

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