A Martinez

1136 Words

Chapter Twenty-Eight – A Martinez. She would surely be scared of failing. It was embarrassing especially when her twin was a topper. “I’d call it this way. I’d assign the toppers to teach the bottom kids. If you’re assigned a teacher then you’re at the bottom list” the teacher watched us to check if we understood. Then she began reciting, “Jasper coach Mary. Nancy coach Chris. Jennifer coach Sheena. Jacob coach Betty. Reuben coach Chloe. Understood?”. Reuben’s loud voice shouted, “Yes ma”. “Good. I’ll be back” the miss left the class. I turned to Reuben. That dude almost burst my ear drums. He looked like he was back to his bubbly mood. I was glad not to be the bottom kids but I remembered Sheena’s name was mentioned. When I turned to her, her eyes were watery. And the wicke

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