Free Period

1111 Words

Chapter Twenty-Four – Free Period. Since I couldn’t decide which status I would be fighting for, I quietly went back to my class. No teacher was in again. I just stood at the door, disappointed and irritated. I got tickled from behind while at my worst mood. I didn’t shudder and stayed still. Tickles were a waste of time on me when I was depressed about something. I was curious on who was touching me at such sensitive parts though. “Whoa, are you a stone?” it was Jacobs. He was with Rueben and Jasper. I kind of knew it would be them. They were the only once who’d seek my attention despite the door being wide enough to contain four. I shifted from the door and advanced to my seat without saying a word. Sheena was drawing some things again. I remembered the “Best Artists” award.

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