Drunk Chloe

1109 Words

Chapter Forty – Drunk Chloe. My eyes were glued to the flower behind him. The gushing girls hadn’t looked over to him when he passed them to come to me. I guess Reuben didn’t meet their “hot” criteria. He was more cute. “Flowers? So dramatic” Chloe sighed. She seemed drunk. Her eyes were falling and were losing focus. I looked at her juice again. Was that alcohol? Reuben sat besides Chloe and waved to me. I gave a flat smile. “Alcohol kills, Miss Chloe” he shifted Chloe’s bottle away. She dragged it back and placed her hands on her lips, “Shush, this is supposed to be orange juice. Don’t say anything or I’ll kiss your lips shut”. Okay, so she was really drunk. Reuben looked amused yet took away the bottle. She stood up angrily but dilapidated and sat back. She began fake cryi

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