Model Mom, Weird Chloe

1080 Words

Chapter Forty-Six – Model mom, weird Chloe. I woke up to my mom in my room. She was sending some clothes into my wardrobe. She was shocked to see me awake? Not sure if I wasn’t suppose to wake up or she wasn’t expecting me to catch her? I stood from my bed to take a look at the clothes and my mouth dropped. High quality floral dresses. Like the ones British princesses wear. I came closer and saw some casual wears stuffed inside. And they maybe called casual but they looked hot. “What’s happening?” I managed to say. My mom tried uttering some words but she couldn’t. These were surely expensive. How did she get them? I shunned all the terrible things my mind was telling me. Embezzlement. Stealing. Shoplifting. “Mom, how did you get these?” I asked again. She sat on my bed and

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