Chapter 8

1281 Words

I have to hold my son on my lap in the back as the taxi driver takes us to the train station where my car is. We pass a rundown hotel on the way and I think I may have just enough fuel to get my car there. Hopefully, I do. After spending the entire night in the rain, I want a hot shower and something warm in my belly, but most of all, I want the safety of four walls, even if it's only for one night. I tell myself that one night is all I need, then I can suck it up and figure something out. I hand the taxi driver some cash from the wad my father gave me and watch him go. I have no idea how much my sister snuck into the bag. Getting my keys from the diaper bag, I unlock my car and climb in, pulling the hatchback down before I realize I no longer have a car seat. Shit! I think, knowing how

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