1951 Words

But what happened next was so alien, so displaced in time and orientation, so skewed—that Deputy Orley Tanner would find himself laughing, not screaming, as he sprinted desperately for the very doors he'd vowed not to enter. X | Replay The cop was just standing there, staring at the trees. And staring at the rex, too—though he clearly didn't know it. “My God,” Savanna pleaded. “ You can't just let him be ripped to pieces ...” Omar raised an eyebrow. “No?” He slid off the table and approached her. “And why not?” She hesitated. His face hovered in her own like some foam-latex Halloween mask—Uncle Pervis, perhaps, or Baby Stinky. “You, you just can’t,” she stammered. He c****d his head to one side and smiled broadly, wickedly. “You ever been to prison, sugar-muffin?” His teeth seemed c

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