Sharing Cookies with Grandpa

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  Nick's POV 'Nicholas, where are you?' Uncle Iain's voice suddenly came through my mind link. 'You said you would help me in the office today.' I sighed loudly and looked at the cookies I was holding. 'Sorry, Uncle. I was just talking to Grandpa.' I replied to him and looked towards the gravestone that sat a few feet from me. There was momentary silence from my uncle. 'Just be in soon, okay?' He responded with mild sadness. His father's death still affected him even after two years. "Sorry, Grandpa. Uncle Iain needs my help," I said to the marble gravestone as I crumbled up the chocolate chip cookie and sprinkled the crumbs on the ground. "It was nice talking to you." I stood up and took one last look at the grave. It had been two years since my grandfather Phillip MacKenzie was murdered by rogues. He and my grandmother Melinda had been on a road trip when they were ambushed. It took nearly fifty rogues to take down my grandfather. Even at his age, he was still a formidable warrior. The attack appeared to be coordinated by someone who knew my grandfather's weaknesses. My grandmother survived the attack because my father's warriors showed up in time to save her. But it was too late for my grandfather. My grandmother was utterly devastated to lose her mate, and to this day, she is more or less catatonic. She now lives at the palace where my mother takes care of her. I sighed away the memories of the worst day of my life. My grandfather was my hero. He had been there for my entire life, and then in one instant, he was gone. My other grandfather had been killed when I was three, but I was never that close to him. I looked towards the grand packhouse that belongs to the Zephyr Moon Pack. It wasn't nearly half as big as the royal palace where my parents lived. But it was still quite large and housed hundreds of wolves. I was to become the alpha of Zephyr Moon in two years when my uncle stepped down from the position. He had named me his heir when I was three. As I walked towards the house, I passed my cousin, my uncle's son Andrew. My cousin resented me for being the heir and not him. Even though he was only thirteen, he had tried challenging me a few times. We were friends when we were younger, but Andrew's resentment only grew when he became a teenager. Still, I tried to be civil with him. "Hey, Drew." I greeted him as he walked past me. He turned and gave me a curt nod as he headed out to the training field. "My dad is waiting for you." He sneered and walked away. I rolled my eyes and continued into the packhouse. One of my girls sauntered up to me. She was wearing a tight black dress that allowed her ample breasts to almost fall out. She flipped her fake blonde hair out of her overly made-up face as she sided up to me. My wolf Lasher growled in my head. He did not like my many dates. "Hey, Nicky. Do you want to have some fun?" She asked me with her high-pitched and almost annoying voice. I pushed her back from me with a smirk. "Maybe later, Alexis. I have to go help my uncle in the office." She frowned. "But Nicky, I want you now?" I leaned down and kissed her cheek. "I bet you do, Lex. But I promised my uncle. Why don't you go on up to my room and wait for me? Wear that sexy little outfit you wore last time," I said against her ear as she giggled. "The purple one?" She asked in a whisper. I nodded. "Okay, Nicky. Just for you." She squeezed my arm and then strolled away. I watched her ass sway. It made me hard, and it took all of my willpower not to take her up to my room right now. 'You shouldn't be wasting your time with whores,' Lasher growled. 'Dude, quit cramping my style.' I growled back at him. 'You will meet our mate soon, and you will never want another w***e again.' I rolled my eyes. 'I am not ready to meet my mate. I am only nineteen. I still want to have fun.' My wolf snarled. 'You can have all of the fun with our mate.' He then retreated into my mind as I reached my uncle's office. I knocked on the door. "Just come in, Nicholas," My uncle barked out. Walking in, I saw him hunched over paperwork. It was jarring how much he resembled my grandfather. Uncle Iain's hair wasn't nearly as white as my grandfather's had been. But he had the same green eyes and the same shape to his face. Uncle Iain was also a legend in battle. He looked up. "I need you to work on the financials." I sighed and walked to the front of his desk. "You can't keep pawning stuff like that to your nephew," I smirked at him. A slight smile spread on his face. "I can if that nephew is going to be the next alpha of my pack," He picked up a stack and handed it to me. "Plus, you are better at it than I am." I rolled my eyes and walked the papers to another smaller desk in his office. It was the one I used whenever I helped him. Since I turned seventeen, I had been helping him with paperwork. It was the boring part of being the alpha. "Can we turn on some music?" I asked him. He grunted a no. Sighing, I dropped the papers and sat at the desk. "Did your grandfather having anything interesting to say?" He asked after a minute of silence. I turned to look back at him. "Same old advice, Uncle Iain." He nodded and looked down at work. We fell into silence for about an hour until the door opened, and Aunt Esther walked in with a tray of refreshments and set them on a table by the door. She walked over to my uncle, and he wrapped his arm around her, and they kissed. "I brought you both some snacks and drinks," She said. I stood up and walked over to the tray, and grabbed a couple of cookies and a can of root beer. "Thanks, Auntie Es." I leaned down to kiss her on the cheek. "Are you going to help us with paperwork too?" She shook her head. "I'll be helping the next few weeks after you leave for alpha training." Of course, my aunt had to remind me. I had to leave in a few days for alpha training. I wasn't a huge fan of it. It was the same basic bullshit over and over. The fight training was alright as I liked sparring with new opponents. "Do I have to go, Uncle Iain? It's the same old stuff I have heard before." "Yes, you have to go, Nicholas, and well, your mother will hurt me if you don't." I did miss seeing my parents. Since I had turned eighteen, I spent most of my time here at Zephyr Moon, learning at my uncle's side. I also missed my siblings. As the oldest of six, they all looked up to me, and well, I loved being with them, especially my brothers Malcolm and Lincoln. Next week was their birthday. All five of my siblings had been born on the same day, which was also our father's birthday. My mother and I were the only ones that had different birthdays. "Will you be coming to the birthday party?" I asked my aunt and uncle. "Of course. Daisy and Malcolm are turning sixteen, and we want to be there for their first shift," Aunt Esther replied. "And if we don't, your mother- "Will kill you," I interrupted my uncle with a laugh. My mother, the queen of werewolves, was one of the few wolves that could come close to matching my uncle in combat. Being a white wolf, she was stronger than almost any male except for my father, the king. They had both taught me well when it came to fighting. My uncle and I got back to work. I stayed there until everything was done, and it was now dinner time. He stood up and stretched. "Thank you for your help." I stood up as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder, and we walked out of the office. We ran into my cousin Melanie on the way down to the dining room. "Hi Dad," She greeted my uncle. He smiled at her. "How is my girl today?" She shrugged as she clasped his hand. "Drew was being mean to me again." She whined. My uncle made a low growl. "I'll have to talk to your brother later. What did he do to you, Melanie?" "He grabbed my Barbie and took off her head and then threw it in the bushes." She sniffled. He shook his head. Andrew seemed to be letting his anger at me being the heir grow. Uncle Iain did his best to tame his son's anger. "I'm sorry, sweetie. I will buy you a new doll." We walked into the dining room, and Andrew was sitting by his mother, and he smirked at Melanie, who whined. My uncle glared at his son before sitting at the table. I sat down at the table next to my friend Brady, the son of Beta Zion. He is going to be my beta when I take over. "Hey Brady, what's up?" I asked as the omegas served us dinner. Brady nodded to me. He has blonde hair and bluish-green eyes. He is also a strong warrior. I knew he would be a good beta. "Not much, Nick." We chatted while we ate dinner, which was spaghetti tonight. The omegas sure did an excellent job of cooking tonight. "Hey, wanna play Call of Duty tonight?" Brady asked me. I shook my head. "I have a date with Alexis." Lashed growled in my head. "That shouldn't take you more than five minutes," Brady smirked at me. I tilted my head. "You have a point, bro. Is Gavin coming too?" I asked. Gavin is Delta Lewis's son and the future delta. Gavin was usually the buffer between Andrew and me during our fights. He and Andrew were best friends, but Gavin also hung out with me. "Maybe," Brady replied as he finished his food. He stood up. "Anyways, let me know if you are coming down to my room. I'll see you later." He punched my shoulder before walking away. I finished my food and stood up. I started out of the room and nearly collided with Andrew. "Hey, Drew. Sup?" My cousin rolled his eyes. "Nothing," The thirteen-year-old looked at the ground. "Are you off to screw another w***e?" I ruffled his hair as he was still quite a bit shorter than I was. "That is some vulgar language for a thirteen-year-old. Don't you have some Legos to play with?" He snarled at me and balled up his fists. I saw my uncle glaring towards us. "Andrew!" Uncle Iain barked. My cousin turned to his father. "What?" He said with anger to the alpha. Uncle Iain rose from the table and stalked towards us. He folded his arms as he glared at his son. "We need to talk about your attitude and what you did to your sister." Andrew snorted. "I can't believe Melanie squealed." "Get on up to your room and wait for me," Uncle Iain ordered Drew. My cousin snorted loudly and looked past my uncle to his mother. "Mom?" "You heard your father, Andrew. Go up to your room." She pointed. "Fine. You all suck." He turned and stomped out of the dining room. He was cursing all the way. Uncle Iain sighed and looked at my aunt, who was now beside him. "What are we going to do with him?" "He's just going through a phase, Iain," Aunt Esther ran her hand through my uncle's hair. "What are you doing, Nick?" Uncle Iain asked. "Uh, I was going to go have some fun with Brady and Gavin." My uncle rolled his eyes. "I know there is a she-wolf in your room. Don't lie to me." I shrugged. "There are always she-wolves in my room." He sighed. "You should be careful with that." "I have condoms," I mumbled. "I promise not to knock any of them up." "I made the same mistakes at your age. And your poor aunt had to beat off my old lovers constantly." "I thought my mom beat them up?" My aunt laughed. "Well, Jemma did help, especially with Rosalind." She looked at my uncle. "I can't believe you were ever into her." "Everyone was into Rosalind," Delta Lewis added from a few feet away. Uncle Iain snorted. "Yeah, everyone tapped that pussy." "I do not need to hear this," Aunt Esther backed away and went back to the table. "Everyone but Jeremy. He was all over your sister," Delta Lewis said my biological father's name, and I shuddered. He had died when I was almost four, and my memories of him were vague at best. And none of the memories were pleasant ones. I only kept his last name to honor my grandfather. "Well, on that note, I am leaving now, bye," I said and walked away, not giving my uncle and his delta time to respond. I ran up the stairs to the alpha floor and walked into my room. Uncle Iain was right. Alexis was waiting on my bed, dressed in her purple nightie. I smiled at her as I slammed the door shut and started unbuttoning my shirt. "Have you waited here long?" She nodded, "I did as you instructed, my alpha." She purred while sitting up on the bed as I approached her. I took my shirt off, revealing my hardened muscular body. "Oh, my," She panted as I smelled her arousal. I leaned and gave her a hard kiss while unbuckling my pants. "You know what I want first," I whispered against her lips. She slid forward and unzipped my pants. She reached in and grabbed my hardening c**k. Lasher growled in my head, and I had to push him to the back so I could enjoy myself. "Now be a good girl and suck me dry," I said as she licked me and began to suck. An hour later, after a good blow job and a quick f**k with Alexis. I was walking down the stairs on my way to Brady's room. I knocked on the door before walking in. Brady and Gavin were watching a movie on a couch as I walked in. "Let's get to this, fellas," I said to them. Gavin wrinkled his nose. "You smell like Alexis." I shrugged and sat by him. "Well, I was just in her." "Eww, I hope you wore protection. There is no telling what kind of bugs she has crawling all over her," Gavin mumbled. "Dude, you are just jealous." "Nah, dude. Now when you bump uglies with Renee. I am jealous." I smiled. Renee was another one of my ladies. She was a lot prettier than Alexis. She was away at another pack right now. "Ah yes, Renee. She has a luscious ass." I said to Gavin. "One of these days, the ladies will pay you some attention." Gavin snorted. "Yeah, whatever, man, let's just play." Brady turned off the movie, and we played Call of Duty till almost three am before crashing on the couch. I dreamed of a green-eyed female with curly hair. She had been in my dreams a lot lately. Every time I tried to get her name or anything else, I would wake up and be left wondering just who the green-eyed beauty is. Lasher tried convincing me that she is my mate. I had to brush that aside as I was not ready for my mate. Two days later, it was time for me to leave for the palace. I loaded up my car and said my goodbyes to my family and friends. "Tell you, mother. I say hi," Uncle Iain said to me. "Don't worry. I will." I hugged him and then waved at my aunt and little cousin. "Bye, I'll see you guys in a few days." It was only about an hour's drive. I arrived at the front door and handed my keys to a guard. "Have someone take my luggage up to my room," I instructed him. The guard bowed to me. "Yes, Prince Nicholas." Sighing, I walked into the palace to my waiting parents. My father, Cassius, was smiling broadly as he pulled me into a bear hug. "Hey, son." "Dad," I said as he released me from the smothering hug. I was nearly as tall as he was. But he was still much more muscular than I am. I still needed to fill out a bit more. My mother grabbed the sides of my head. "There is my Nicky poo." She said and kissed my cheek while everyone around us laughed. "Mom, can you not call me Nicky Poo," I said to her. She shook her head. "I could, but that isn't happening." My siblings gathered around us, and I greeted each one starting with the twins Daisy and Malcolm. They both looked the most like our mother with their blonde hair and violet eyes. I also had blonde hair, but it wasn't almost white like theirs. "Hey, Malcolm. How is it going?" My shy younger brother shrugged. "Oh, you know." "Daisy," I greeted my sister. "Is Dominic coming for your birthday?" I asked about her vampire mate. Her fated mate was revealed to my parents before she was even born. Dominic and Daisy grew up as friends, but I know they had been getting intimate the last few months. "Of course he is," She replied. I was punched in the back by Lincoln. He looks more like our father with dark brown hair and deep blue eyes. "Want to play b-ball later, Nick?" He asked. Lincoln lived for sports, especially basketball. "Sure, maybe. Want to come, Mal?" I asked my other brother. I felt tugging on my shirt and turned to my youngest sister Raina. She was standing beside Piper, who was a year younger than Lincoln. They had lighter brown hair and blue eyes. I picked up Raina, who is about to turn six, and kissed her cheek. "Hiya Raina." I patted Piper's arm. Mom clapped her hands. "Well, now that the entire litter is here. Let's go eat lunch." My father laughed. "I am starved, love." "You are always starved, Cass." She said as he wrapped her arms around his neck. They started to kiss, and the six of us said, "Eww!" I set Raina down. "That's all we need. Another sibling." My father growled lowly. "If I want to knock up my queen for number seven, then I'll do so." He smirked at me. "Daddy, what does knocked up mean?" Raina said out loud, causing my mother to punch my father's arm. My father opened his mouth to say something. "It means it's time for lunch." He picked her up and placed her on his shoulders. She giggled as we all followed them to the dining room. My grandparents Terry and Izzy were waiting for us. I walked over and kissed Izzy's cheek. "Hi, Grammy," I said to her. She pinched my cheek. "How is my Nick?" "I am great, Grammy. Hey Grandy." I greeted my grandfather Terry. "Hey, kid." He replied. "Here for alpha training?" "And to see my family," I said while sitting down between my brothers. The omegas brought out our lunch. I was pleased to see chicky nuggets and fries. It was something I have loved for as long as I remember. "Thanks, Mom." She shrugged. "I didn't do anything," She winked at me. We chatted while we ate lunch. Then after lunch, I went and played basketball with my brothers. Dinner was healthier stuff but still good. I hung out with the family some more while we played games. I finally said goodnight. I wandered towards my room and spied one of my favorite omega maids, a short skinny thing with huge breasts and short blonde hair. I slithered up behind her and leaned down to kiss her neck. She shuddered against me. "When do you get off of work, Stacy?" I asked her. "Prince Nicholas, I didn't know you were back." She purred as I massaged her arms. "I will be off of work in about twenty minutes. Why?" "I don't know. Would you want to come up to my room and clean my c**k for me?" She turned herself in my arms. "Maybe," She leaned into me, and I kissed her cheek. "I'll make it worth your while," I begged as Lasher growled in my head. He had been a little restless earlier, and I had pushed him back. He was driving me nuts. Now he was pushing forward again. 'Our mate is near. Please don't ruin our chances with this omega,' He snarled with disgust. 'What do mean she is near?' He whined as I looked around the hall. It was just Stacy and I. Shaking my head, I ignored my wolf and went back to caressing her breasts. "When you get off, come on up to my room." "Yes, Your Highness." She replied as I let her go. I walked down the hall towards the elevator and smelled something divine like the forest after it rains. It was the most intoxicating thing I had ever smelled. Lasher became restless, whining and pacing. 'What is your problem?' 'It's her. Follow the scent.' He urged me. With an annoyed groan, I followed the scent. I followed it outside to the gardens. I looked around, finding no one else around. 'There is no one out here.' I grumbled at my wolf. A breeze blew through the garden, and I noticed the roses seemed to be brighter and fuller. The scent I was following was strong near them. I inhaled the scent, and the smell combined with the roses made my legs weak. Lasher purred happily in my head. 'Mate.' He said, and I looked around. 'Where?' I asked him. 'Trust me. She is near.' Sighing with frustration, I looked at the roses one last time before walking back into the palace. 'Well, I have a date with Stacy, so this mate can just wait,' I grumbled at my wolf. He growled back at me. 'You are a fool, Nicholas.' He said before retreating into my head. About ten minutes later, I was finally walking towards my room. Stacy was waiting by the door, and she smiled as I walked towards her. Then the door to the room across from mine opened, and my father stepped out. Stacy bowed to him and trembled. He looked at her and then at me and shook his head. "What?" "There is nothing I can say that you haven't heard before, Nicholas." He said while looking Stacy over. "I don't want to hear another lecture, Dad," I told him as I opened my door. "Go on in. I'll be right there," I instructed Stacy, who scurried in while bowing to my father. "The mate bond is sacred, Nicholas." I scoffed. "I know, Dad. You and Mom tell me about it constantly. I have heard it a thousand times. I am not ready for my mate yet. Can't I have some fun before I am forced to settle for one chick the rest of my life?" "Be careful, son. All of these dates can lead to trouble with your true mate. Trust me." He said. "Can I go now, Dad? She is waiting for me." He sighed heavily and grabbed my shoulder with one hand, and handed me a condom with his other hand. "Here. I'm not ready for grandpups yet." I grabbed the condom from him. "Thanks," I mumbled and went into my room and slammed the door, and then locking it. Stacy was sitting on my bed looking cute in a pair of shorts and a tank top. She didn't cake on the makeup as Alexis did. I started unbuckling my belt and unbuttoning my pants. "You know what I like first, Stacy," I said as I approached her. She licked her lips in anticipation and reached for me as I stood in front of her. She gently pulled my c**k out of my pants and began to lick it. I ran my hands through her hair as she bobbed her cute little head. "That's it, baby," I moaned out.
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