The One I Love Most

3092 Words

  Nick's POV "There has been an incident at the mall involving Calliope," My father told me, and my blood ran cold. I grabbed his shoulders and stared into his eyes. "Is she alright? Is she hurt?" I shouted as my father stood silent. "TELL ME!" I yelled at him. My father pushed me away from him. "Nick, think. You marked her. If she was hurt, you would know." He spoke out calmly. I took a deep breath. "All I felt was anger and then nothing," I responded. His eyes glazed over again, and he clasped my arm. "They took her to the hospital." I began running as soon as those words left his mouth. I ignored him, shouting at me. My mind was entirely on getting to my mate. Seeing my biological father was temporarily put to the back of my mind. It took about five minutes for me to run

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