Pre-Trial Jitters

1807 Words

  Calliope's POV Nick and I walked hand in hand towards the courthouse. I learned in school that the kingdom used to try werewolf offenders in the throne room or even in the dungeon. The Queen felt it was more civilized to hold trials that resembled what the humans did. An Elder judge tried most offenders, but high crimes like what Harley has been accused of were tried by the King and a jury of Elders. We walked into the lobby of the building, and the King and Queen walked towards us. They both were elegantly dressed. Queen Jemma had on a black pantsuit with a white shirt. Her long blonde hair was neatly braided and hanging down her shoulder. Upon her head was a simple golden crown. King Cassius had on a black three-piece suit, and his brown hair was slicked back with a larger cro

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