Moving on Up.

4183 Words

  Nick's POV I leaned against the wall just outside the royal kitchens. Eager to see my beautiful curly-haired fairy so I could help her move into my room and then take her on a date. Female omegas walked by and smiled at me. I would nod to acknowledge them but never gave them more. I belonged to only one woman. Her scent hit me before I saw her. She emerged. Her uniform was disheveled and dirty. Her hair hung down in strings around her flushed red face. Despite that, she was still the most beautiful woman I ever saw. "Hello beautiful," I greeted her with a brilliant smile. She smiles softly, and I swept her into my arms. The other omegas stared while walking by. I kissed her soft but dry lips. "How was work?" I asked her and clasped her hand as we started walking towards the

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