Chapter 64 - Lachlan

1041 Words

We are sitting in the office waiting for Tate and Violet, probably a little earlier than Tate would appreciate, but Devin had us up early, so didn’t see why we should sit around waiting, should get to it and get on with the things we needed to do. So much to think about and consider. And I knew my Dad would be up too. And the moment I mind linked with him and asked if he was free for the meeting, he was on his way, like he had been waiting for the call. Though I had let him know about this the night before to allow him time to think about it all and think about what is going to be the best plan for us to protect Violet. We will not have her at risk. Hattie had dropped Devin off with her parents. They loved babysitting duties, he was a much loved grandson, and they loved spending time wit

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