Chapter 22 - Violet

1029 Words

I was sitting, still wrapped in a tight embrace of Tate’s arms, taking in the fact that Aunt Della had passed away. I was vaguely listening to what Alpha Lachlan was saying, in between my sobs. It was quite a sweet way to think about it, really that she felt at peace enough to pass knowing or feeling I was safe here, even if I was unsure of that myself. As much as I hate the thought that she hung on, possibly in pain, simply to take care of me. But what is this about a mate? his words suddenly registered in my mind. I try to focus on them. I don’t have a mate. Do I? “What?” I ask. “I know you haven’t done all your lessons yet, Violet, far from it, so you don’t know all there is to know about mates and how you would recognise the signs, but as your Alpha I can sense these things and I

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