Chapter 20 - Violet

1699 Words

We came to the edge of the trees and walked onto the footpath. The silence has been comfortable, I have to say, as we wandered back through the trees. I occasionally glanced to Tate and he had a glazed look across his face, so I can only assume he was daydreaming, or off in his mind thinking about other things. But that was fine with me because it meant he wasn’t on my case. I know he means well, but I just like my space, like to be alone. I don’t see what the big issue is with that. “Vi?” Tate’s voice suddenly pipes up from behind me, making me jump. I stopped and turned my head to look at him. “Hmm?” I acknowledge him. “Alpha mindlinked me, asking if we could drop by his office, we ok to head there now if that’s ok?” he says, his voice has an edge of anxiousness to it, but also ten

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