Chapter 24 - Lachlan

1342 Words

I sit in the car waiting for Violet and Tate, having spoken to the hospital once more. They are happy for Violet to visit and say her goodbyes to her Aunt. This girl was as frustrating as hell earlier, but right now she needed our support. She had lost the only family she had left. The woman that had brought her up when everyone else had deserted her. As an Alpha and a werewolf, I do not understand the mentality of her father’s family. A wolf is a pack animal, therefore a werewolf thinks in much the same way. Family is of huge importance, so the fact she had an extended family out there that had all deserted her when she needed them most infuriates me. That is not how we as werewolves should act. It makes no sense. I know her father acted badly, but this girl had no part in that, she was

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