Chapter 17 - Tate

2058 Words

Well, lessons for today have finished, not wanting to force the poor lass into doing too much after having so much going on. Now we are strolling around the pack. I am quite happy walking around with this beauty by my side, not that she realises it. I don’t think she would even consider herself beautiful. She certainly doesn’t seem to come across as confident. But she is beautiful in an ethereal sort of way. Her eyes are such a beautiful shade of blue, I swear it feels like you could swim in them. I know I could get lost looking into them. That is why I try not to make direct eye contact with her too much, or else I know I am going to struggle looking away from her! The pack is nice to walk around, all neatly set out and well cared for. Our Alpha, Lachlan, always makes sure the pack is

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