Chapter 11 - Violet

977 Words

I am woken by a knock at my door. I groggily get up from my bed and walk over to open the door, to be greeted by Beta Tate standing there, a smile on his face. How can he be happy in a morning?! That is not normal. “Good Morning sunshine” he grins. “Thought I would come and wake you. Lessons start in an hour. Wondering if you were wanting some breakfast? If so, I can show you where the dining room is in the packhouse where meals are served.” I feel really conscious of the fact I am literally standing here in a pair of tiny shorts and a tank top, with my hair all over the place, looking like I have been dragged through a hedge backwards. I smiled awkwardly. “You could have called or texted?” I say. “Don’t have your number doll” he smiles. “anyone would think you don’t want to see me” H

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