Chapter 6 - Tate

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Alpha Lachlan, my best friend, had told me about this new arrival we had arriving in the pack, so I had been preparing a room for her, unsure what to expect, but knowing it would be down to us at least partially to teach her all about werewolves. Some crazy s**t to think she has gotten to almost shifting age and she didn’t even know about it. Though I guess with her Mum and Dad dying, it is understandable. But I can’t begin to imagine not knowing. Growing up and then finding out weeks before you are due to shift. We grew up with werewolves all around us, learning about them from a young age, knowing they were real, knowing our parents could shift so it never came as a shock. But for poor Violet to be told by the woman she had been brought up by since the age of six, I think they said, the woman who had taken her in when her parents died, because no fucker else in her family wanted her because of the s**t going down with her Dad. Fancy finding out that she was to be kicked out and, oh by the way, you are a werewolf too and will be moving into a pack with a whole load of other wolves too. Have fun. Talk about crazy, and way too much to throw on one person. Yeah, that had to be a lot to take in. Though I had not expected it to be her when I met her. The scent of her was so alluring. I wanted her. But I can’t have her. Not yet. She doesn’t even know what mates are. She doesn’t even have a wolf yet. Yet my wolf, Odyn, knew who she was to him, the second he laid eyes on her, well, even before that, he knew. As we were walking down the corridor to the main doors, he was howling in my mind to get to them. Howling ‘mate’. I have been looking for my mate, I guess, since I could shift at the age of 17. Like every werewolf does. Though not in any major hurry initially. But now I am 22, and as you get older you feel the urgency building, the need and the want for your mate increasing. Your wolf pines for its other half. The other piece of them they need to complete them. I guess that is what Odyn has been waiting on for this long. Lachlan had found that when he met his mate, our pack Luna, Harriett, or Hattie as we called her a year and a half ago. They had been inseparable since that day. And she had instantly fitted into his life and his pack. The perfect Luna for the pack. Even having just had their first baby together a matter of weeks ago. The thing is, this young girl that has come into my life unexpectedly, has no clue about life as a werewolf, how any of this works, yet here she was soon to find out that not only does she have a wolf. But she has also come to a pack where her fated mates resides too. Her fated mate that is desperately seeking her. And is not willing to let her walk away from him. I had to find a way for Violet to see that staying here with us might be a good thing. That perhaps being with her mate – me, could be a good thing. Yet, so far, the thought of being in our pack seems to truly disgust her, as does the prospect of being a werewolf and being around other werewolves. I have a feeling I may have my work cut out. But I am determined somehow to make this work. I promised Lachlan I would help Violet settle in. That was before I even knew who she was to me, but now I know she is my mate, I am even more determined to help her. I just need to keep this a secret. I can’t let her find this out. She has to discover this on her own. She cannot find this out from me or anyone else. Her wolf has to discover we are mates. I can’t be the one to tell her, I need her to realise. So all I can do is teach her about mates and hope she can connect the dots. And not freak out and run. There is no denying she has a wolf now. My wolf can sense her, only faintly, but she is there. Obviously, she would be faint. She hasn’t reached her birthday yet, when she can shift, but my wolf is a strong, Beta wolf. His senses are strong, not to mention this is his mate. Of course, I could sense her. I can’t believe my mate is here finally. A mate that does not want to be in our pack. A mate that does not know about werewolves. That does not want to be a werewolf. Fate sure dealt me a weird hand. I could be a good mate, I am sure I could, couldn’t I? I could be everything she needs in a mate. I know I can. I just need her to realise I can. I need her to realise that is what she needs. That is going to be the true challenge. And going off the attitude and moods I have seen so far from her, I am not feeling massively hopeful. I will maybe have to go for the friend angle and hope it goes from there. That could work, right? I sure as hell hope so, because right now, I truly do not know what else to do. I am not going to force this poor girl into anything. She has been through enough as it is. I feel her piercing blue eyes on me. I looked across to her. “Sorry I have a habit of day dreaming” I smile. “Probably better than being in your real world, right?” she smirks. I chuckle, she’s a sarcastic little thing. “It really isn’t that bad here, doll” I tell her. “Uh-huh.” She nods “Believe it when I see it.” “So negative.” I grin at her. A part of me wants to touch her, run my hands through her long auburn hair. Pull her close to me… no, this is not a good idea. If I let my thoughts get carried away with me, then Odyn is likely to get involved and try to take over, and then I will be in trouble as he is desperate to mark his mate. Despite her being clueless to all of this situation. No, I need to think friends. That is all. -------------------- Dear Diary… So spending time with this Beta has been quite fun. He is trying to be friendly I think, trying to make me feel relaxed. He makes me smile I have to say. I don’t think that is a good thing though. He is one of the top guys here. Me crushing on him is not a good idea. And I think he is going to be one of the ones who has to teach me all about the werewolfy ways and all that shiz. And it is going to be a little embarrassing to have to admit that I know nothing, when to them it is all natural and stuff they have grown up around. But flirting with him or when he touches me by accident it makes me shiver, almost a shock or tingle electricity running through me… --------------------
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