Chapter 40 - Violet

950 Words

Azaria runs through the trees, dashing back to where we began where our clothes are left. Thank heavens! I hadn't even thought of that, but had she not, I would have been walking around in the forest naked, and so would Tate, and that would not be a good idea! Azaria seems to love dodging between the trees, so speedy on her feet. She is truly amazing! I cannot believe this wolf is part of me... She speeds on. And I could hear Odyn not far behind, giving chase. Where he has been all along today. Strangely enough, a bit like Tate when he is with me. Maybe there had been signs all along and I was just blind to them… ‘You didn’t know he was ours’ Azalia’s voice fills my mind as she slows her running down. ‘No. He knew though. I feel he betrayed me by not telling me. We were meant to be fri

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