Chapter 66 - Violet

1717 Words

I sit and listen to former Alpha Pierce talking. My stomach is in knots, of nerves and anxiety. “Because they will be coming sweetheart” he says, he is looking right at me, his deep dark eyes look almost familiar as he gazes kindly at me. “I know my Uncle and his son” I see Lachlan drop his head into his hands. Hattie’s head whips to the side to glance between her mate and father-in-law, while Tate is too looking puzzled. What does he mean he knows his Uncle and his son? That makes no sense. Do they live in that pack too? Wait… “Hang on just a minute, what the hell is going on here?!” Hattie’s voice demands, as she stands from her seat, hands on her hips and looking annoyed. “Are there more things you haven’t told us?!” Oh for f***s sake! Seriously?! I am getting sick of secrets now. T

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