Chapter 48 - Violet

1087 Words

We stand at the door of my room looking at one another. The hurt in Tate’s eyes is clear and I hate myself, but I can’t see a better option. Then suddenly a nasty snarl comes from his lips. I can only assume Odyn has pushed through. “Tell me you were not about to f*****g walk out on me?” he demands, his voice trembling in anger. I have never heard him sound like that before, and I am shocked how terrifying he can sound. He has only ever been sweet and kind to me. I guess it was easy to forget he was a pretty ruthless werewolf under all of that cuteness. “Tate please..” I begin. “NO!” he roars, I think Odyn may have taken over here… Lachlan is suddenly running up the stairs, Hattie not far behind him. I am trembling, unsure what to do. I knew he would be hurt, but I did not know he

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