Chapter 50 - Violet

1372 Words

“You see Violet, what you don’t realise is, the gifted wolf that is part of your family is also part of my family” Lachlan’s voice is echoing in my mind. Hattie walks from the bedroom. I think it is safe to say he has made her angry by keeping things from her. Did she know none of this? She had to know of his family line surely? Their children could carry it, right? “I am sorry, Alpha.” I say. “Calling me Lachlan is fine Violet, you are Tate’s mate now. Alpha is only for formality. And don’t worry. She knew about my family history, so that is of no great surprise to her. She knows our children could be gifted, well, the girls, if we go on to have any. It is a female trait, it seems, within the family. I think she is shocked I told you. Not something we share with many. But I want you

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