Arrival to the Demon Kingdom

1028 Words

I need to find a better way of better transportation, this is taking so long! This is a foreshadowing, you wouldn't know that unless you find out. We are still on the ship, and we have about 4 days left before we arrive at the docks of the Demon Kingdom. How do I know that? Simple, VA. She can track how long we have left before arriving there. 4 days, 13 hours, 46 minutes and counting is the last answer I got when I previously asked her. I could see other lands, that continent seems to be huge, what continent is that? The continent of Axuuhh, the biggest continent in the world, and is as big as your previous world. No kidding!? That continent is the safest place in the world and is protected by magic casted back in ancient times. How safe can you elaborate on it? God, Demigods,

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