Victory Celebration

1202 Words

The Shadow race started a festival on our victory against the Light Clan. Sune told me they rarely do this, but because of me building a wall that sucks out the magic of the Light Clan, they have to commemorate this victory for me. "This Victory was possible because of Vermilion, the builder of the wall, it was supposed to be impossible because they called out General Avabel, one of the strongest of all Light Clan next to their Leader. " The Chief speeches in front of all the Shadow race. I was in front as well, but on the side, I got a medal, a little dark, but you could see the embossing so that's a cool thing to have. "Thank you, Vermilion, for helping us. " The Chief said afterward. "That's nothing, I did what I can since I'll be living here for a while, might as well contribute

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