
Chubby and the Bully

second chance

Flare Evans

She was only seven years old when her parents got a painful decision to divorce and her mother decided to live in London.

When Flare's mother died, she was forced to live with her father back in America and starts a new life. Everything is difficult for Flare because she did not know how her father's new family would react and accept her.

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Chapter 1
Chapter 1 The famous theme building and control tower of Los Angeles International Airport greeted Flare once the wheels of the plane hit the ground of the busiest and the second most populated airport area in US. "Hello America.." Flare murmured as she stepped up out of the plane. She still couldn't wrapped her head about the idea that she is finally back in America. The red headed girl looked around at the spacious airport and definitely mesmerized by the beautiful scenery. There stood still, an enticing colors from theme building glowing in the dark, the Marin del Rey in the fire ground and Palos Verde's peninsula, and a Multi-Storey parking structure were also built in the center of the airport. People were scattered everywhere, some of them are patiently waiting for their departure while some are excited for their loved one to arrive. Some stopped and stares for awhile to the head turner Flare's captivating beauty. Flare has so much things on her mind right now. She is wondering if moving with her father's new family is a good idea. Flare stopped when something caught her attention, there is this little girl who was crying and begging to her father not leave. A sad smile drew her beautiful face by the sight. Flare could still remember the same situation and same place ten years ago, where she said a heartbreaking goodbye to her father before going to London with her mother. Suddenly, Flare pulled out from her trance when she felt a vibration inside her pocket, it was her phone ringing. So immediately pulled it out and answered the call. "Flare?" Someone spoke from other line. "I'm here, where are you?" Flare couldn't contained her excitement by the thought of seeing her father after a decade. "I'm at.." She looked around trying to find any clue where she is right now. "Terminal B." There was a loud sound from the other line, making Flare to slightly pulled her ear away from the phone. "That's right, I'm at terminal B." "Okay dad." Flare breath out. "I'm just waiting for my luggage." "I can't wait to see you." Derek said excitedly. He couldn't wait to see his long lost daughter after a ten painful years, though they never lost a communication but seeing Flare make his heart beats more faster. Flare finally saw her luggage. "Wait dad, i will call you again." then she dropped the call and took her luggage. Derek Jaw's fell hard on the concrete ground and almost didn't recognize the red headed girl standing cutely in front of him. Of course, there is no way for him to forget those familiar prominent green eyes which reminded him of someone Derek had fallen in love with, Amanda. Flare's beloved mother. "Flare.." He gasped. "Flare Evans?" Flare nodded her head shyly. "Yes dad, it's me." Not wanting to waste any second. She quickly jumped to hug her father and let all her emotions free like a bird as tears spilled out from her eyes. Flare had been waiting for this moment, she felt so alone when her mother died and seeing her father now comfort her heart and soul. "I have missed you," "Oh my God Flare!"7 Derrek cried while hugging his daughter tightly. "I nearly can't recognize you." Flare laughed through her teara. "You have changed a lot." Slowly, they pulled away from each other. "You are so beautiful." He caressed Flare's beautiful face. "You look so much of your mother when i first met her." Derek is utterly shock because Flare turned into a beautiful woman from being chubby little girl. "I have missed you too baby girl." "Dad," Flare chuckled while wiping her tears. "I'm not a baby anymore." Derek longingly tucked his daughter's red hair behind her ears. "I'm sorry about your mom." There is sadness in his eyes. "She is at peace now though where no pain and illness." Tears started to pool again in Flare's sad ocean eyes. Talking about her mother still hurts her so much. Derek pulled her daughter into another comforting hug. If he could only take those pain away he would do it without any second thought. "I'm here now though, i will promise to take care of you, protect you and love you endlessly." At least, it makes Flare feeling better. "Thank you." Derek smiled. "Anyway, I'm sorry if Marilyn couldn't make it to fetch you. She was at emergency meeting." Flare shakes her head with a smilea. "It's okay dad." Derek felt the uneasiness of her daughter when he mentioned Marilyn. "Marilyn is a good person Flare." He assured Flare. "You will like her." Then he on look at his wrist watch. "I think we should leave." The father and daughter talked a lot in the car, it was like a question and answer portion but Flare wouldn't mind at all because Derek only tried to know her even more. "We are here." Derek said happily. The car stopped in front of this huge house and there were four cars parked outside. "Let's go Flare." They went inside the house and greeted by delicious and mouth watering aroma of roasted chicken from the kitchen. "Honey?" Flare stood there in the middle of spacious house and wandering her eyes around. There were expensive paintings hanging against the wall. "Hey!" Someone spoke behind them. They both turned around and come face to face the middle age blonde woman wearing a hello kitty apron. No wonder why my father fell in love with this woman. Flare whispered to herself. "Marilyn." Derrek greeted his wife with a passionate kiss but then Marilyn quickly noticed a beautiful young lady stood behind her husband awkwardly. "Is that Flare?" Marilyn asked surprise. Derek used to describe Flare like a chubby little girl. Derek smiled knowingly and held his daughter against him. "Yes honey, this is my daughter Flare." He placed a soft kiss on Flare's forehead. "And Flare, I would like you to meet Marilyn, my wife, your step mother." Flat just stood there speechless as her heart began to panic when she noticed that her step mother didn't say anything. What if she doesn't like me? Flare said to herself. But then Marilyn's beautiful face broke into a smile and gave Flare a welcoming hug. She knew that her step daughter needa a support and love because she just lost her mother. Marilyn convinced herself that she will do anything for Flare to be comfortable with her. So regarding to Flare staying with them is never an issue, she said Yes without second thought because Derrek became a good father in her own kids and she had nothing against to his own child. "I'm so happy to finally meet you, Flare. Your dad tell me so much about you." Marilyn told the lovely girl. "Well, I hope they are all a good thing though." Flare replied shyly. She couldn't denied that this is an awkward situation but it seems like her step mother really tried to befriend with her. "And it's nice to meet you mari—" "You can call me Mom." Marilyn cut her off. "Well, only if you want though." Flare looked down her feet. "But it doesn't mean that i was trying to replace your mom in your life, its not true Flarw. Amanda will be always your mother no matter what." Flare contemplated for awhile. Honestly, She is not yet ready to call someone else mom. It was only two months when her mother died and all the wounds are still fresh. "Mm thank you." Marilyn smiled. "Anyway, the food is ready. Let's eat." Flare expected a lot of questions from her father. It seems like she was at a job interview or something like that. The couple asked Flare how was the life in England. Of course Flare is really proud of telling them how happy she was with her mother. How beautiful those famous structure in England like, the ever popular iconic clock tower, Big Ben, London's most popular tourist attractions Buckingham Palace and how enticing and breath taking when you look over at the whole city of London from London eye and tower bridge. "How was your school in London?" Marilyn asked curiously. Talking about school brought smile on Flare's, she is always proud how excellence she was in school. "School was great." "Did you play any musical instruments or join sport?" Derrek asked his daughter while perfectly slicing the meat of the chicken. "I play saxophone." Flare stated with a smile on her face "Also, I was a team captain of our Volleyball varsity team." "Oh my.. I only knew plenty of people play saxophone." Marilyn breath out and turned her head towards Derrek direction who look so damn proud of his daughter "Honey. Flare is so talented." "I know right." Derek agreed. They all continued eating and had some dessert before Derrek accompanied Flare to her room. "So, we will leave you now." Derrek told his daughter. "Get some rest okay Flare." She noticed plenty of paintings hanging against the wall. Though Flare isn't a fan of arts but she was still amazed by the sight of it. Derrek opened the door to show the room. They all blinded by the streaming lights through the pink curtain. Flare looked around her new room, it is so elegant, the walls are painted in a light pink and purple, queen size bed in the middle and a huge flat screen TV. Flare looked at her father with a slightly frowned on her face. Derrek cleared his throat before answering the questioning look of her daughter. "Well I assumed that you still love the combination colors of pink and purple." Flare shook her head but smile gratefully to her cool father. "Because I always remember that you like wearing dress with a touch of pink and purple." It brought smile on her face, she is happy that her father still remember the simple things when she was a kid. "Thanks father." "Oh baby. You are very welcome." Derrek shrugged and grinned widely at his daughter. He is so happy that Flare appreciates his effort to put all those things inside this room. He turned his head to his wife who was watching the two of them with a smile of her face. "Anyway. If you need anything we are downstairs." He told Flare before leaving the room. Flare flopped herself down to the bed and she squeezed her eyes. She pictured the beautiful face of her beloved mother. Flare really missed her, the perfume, her laugh and touch. "Flare, have you eaten?" A familiar voice called out Flare's name out of nowhere while she was sitting in the counter of the bed. "No. This couldn't be." Flare whispered in agony. "Mother?" Flare's voice cracked and jump off the chair, her green eyes were searching. But couldn't find where the voice was coming from. "I'm glad you are okay." The heavenly voice speak again. "Where are you mum?" She yelled with tears on her face. She was dying to see her mother even if it's just a dream. Flare caught a familiar feature sitting in the couch. The old red head woman look at her daughter lovingly. "Mother... " Flare breath out. Almost couldn't believe what she had seen as more tears spilled out her eyes. Her heart ached in sadness and happiness at the same time by the sight of her mother. Flare stood there frozen, she didn't know what to say nor do. "I miss you so much.." Amanda lifted her head again, looking at her daughter with a biggest smile on her face. She isn't sick or in pain anymore. She is all well and alive to Flare's heart and well being. Amanda opened her mouth and mouthing the words I love you Flare.. Flare pulled out from a heart breaking dreams when she felt a light shook in her body. That was actually the first time Flare dreamt about her mother after she died two months ago. "Flare. Wake up." A weary voice speak against her ear. Flare painfully opened up her eyes and realized that she was crying in her sleeping. She sat up and Derrek gently wiped the tears of his daughter. It break his heart to see Flare suffering in pain and longing. But he knew very well that he couldn't do anything to blow it away. "I saw her." Flare swallowed the huge bile inside her throat "My mum. She's.. She's.... alive and perfectly fine... " Derrek doesn't know what to say but comb his fingers through his hair. "She is happy now, Amanda doesn't feel any pain anymore." They looked at each other. "Always remember that she loves you Flare and knowing Amanda, she wants you to move on." Derrek said and wrapping his arms around the broken Flare. "You need to move on but it doesn't mean you have to forget her because it will never happen. Amanda will always be your mother." "Thanks dad atleast i have you now." Flare said truthfully. She is not alone anymore. "Of course. I'm your superman and your superman will never leave you." He replied earning a laugh from Flare. "Anyway. Dinner is ready. They are waiting for us." They? Meaning Flare is going to meet her new siblings. I don't like to be the modern Cinderella with a two evil step sisters. She whispered to herself. Flare lazily get off the bed and faced herself in the mirror. Though she is a bit nervous and scared, Flare convinced herself to be brave and face the reality. She went to the kitchen and heard multiple voices and saw people were already seated around the table as six pairs of eyes looking at her intently. She noticed a younger handsome guy sitting next to his father and shifted her attention to a beautiful blonde girl sitting alone to the other side. Derrek stood up when he sensed his Flare's discomfort. "Guys." Derrek called out for their attention. "This is Flare, My daughter." Tom briskly stood up and gave Flare a big hug, almost suffocating the red head. "Wow. I'm so glad to see you Flare. I can't wait to ask this question." "Curious about what?" Flare find herself asking Tom. Tom rub the back of his neck and chuckled inside his throat. "About your name..." "Well. I'm the one who named her Flare. Amanda always fascinating about solar system and because she also study astronomy. It actually fits to her because of her hair." Derrek explained proudly. Flare couldn't help but to smile because it wasn't the first she had heard the origin of her name, her mother used to tell her about it as well like a sort of short story. "Moved away Tom, let me introduce myself to my new sister." The beautiful blonde told her brother. He stepped aside and give way to his sister. "I'm Megan. Your new sister." Megan said cutely and hugged Flare. "Dad always told us that you were once a chubby girl, that is why I'm very surprised that you are...." Megan looked at Flare up and down. "Very different." "You guys can't blame me. I haven't seen her for ten long years. I'm totally stuck and always imagined her the last time i saw her." Defend Derek. "Whatever dad." Megan playfully rolled her eyes. "Okay. Let's eat!" Megan announced. Like lunch. Tom and Megan asked Flare plenty of questions. Tom is now on his first year in College taking up business related course while Megan is in her last year in high school. "Would you want to join cheerleading?" Megan asked Flare out of the blue. Flare never been involved in cheerleading, she gently wiped her lips using the tissue before answering Megan's question. "I, uh. I'm not sure about it because i prepare volleyball and I'm planning to try out anytime soon." Megan nodded in understanding though she's a bit disappointed because the moment Megan set her eyes on Flare. She knew that Flare's perfect body molded for cheer leading but of course. Megan doesn't want to force Flare to join if she doesn't want too. Beside she was genuine passionate playing volleyball and Megan respect that. "Okay. I will talk to Mrs. Liberty to inform her that my sister would like to try out." Megan said and winked at Flare. "Thank you Megan " Flare said really appreciated the effort. Flare knew that her sister, Megan only want to help her with her popularity. It makes Flare's heart fluttered but she's a strong person. She will exceed without any help of other people that's how her mum raised her in London. To be an independent woman. Flare wasn't afraid to be alone. Megan was trying to help her new found sister since Flare is a transferee from London. She doesn't want any trouble happen with Flare. Knowing her school mates. Some of them are b***h. Most specially the Ice Queen of their School. "Good. We'll be there to support you." Tom interjected. "I will drop you off to school tomorrow." Derrek stated. Oh God. No. I'm not a baby anymore. Flare groaned to herself and shake her head in disbelief "No dad pease. I can manage. Thank you." Flare refused politely earning a pouted from her dad. "But i want to see you going to scho—" "Dad... " Flare breathe out stared at her dad seriously. "I'm seventeen now so don't worry about me. I can manage." "Okay, we'll buy you a car." Marilyn stated making Flare look at her new mum in horror. "No. I can manage to walk to—" Flare was cut off by Marilyn. "Flare, we don't want or let you walk like that." "It's okay Flare. Don't waste your time arguing." Derrek chipped in. "Let them be Flare." Megan said and winked at Flare. "It's okay mum and dad I'll take her with me for a while." Flare sit there with a small on her face and so much happiness in her heart. She is very glad that her new family accept her without any hesitation.

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