Chapter Five-2

1902 Words

“I am sure, Talbot, you and Miss McDowall will like some tea and perhaps Mr. McCairn will join us?” Because Andrew was embarrassed by this uncomfortable exchange between relatives, he said quickly, “I thank your Ladyship, but I came only to help his Lordship to find his way and if you’ll kindly excuse me, I’ll be awa’ home.” Talbot turned round. “Of course I understand you will want to get back and see your family,” he said. “I can never thank you enough for all your kindness or indeed for finding me when you learnt that my mother was dead.” He smiled before he went on, “As the Elders are coming here tomorrow at eleven o’clock, I should be grateful if you could see your way clear to coming here at ten-thirty so that we can talk over various matters before they arrive.” It was obviou

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